Page 4 of Guarded Heart

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“You’re being dramatic.”

“Have you not seen the way we act with each other? I’ll be surprised if one of us hasn't ripped the other's throat out by the end of this week.”

“Maybe you should channel all that anger toward each other into something else,” Savanna says, her voice laced with amusement.

I groan and shake my head. “I’m leaving this conversation, goodbye.” Before she can say anything else and make my veins pulse with need for Easton, I hang the phone up and stare at the ceiling.

I’ve spent enough time around Easton to know he doesn’t have room for anyone but Bethany in his life, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking about it. What would it be like to live in a house like this, with Easton rushing around the kitchen while I’m holding a tiny bundle of joy in my arms?

You’re being ridiculous, Autumn.

There’s something sexy about seeing Easton on his own, giving his best to Bethany and the life she deserves. Not that him living with his parents was a bad thing, but they definitely needed a space like this on their own. I’m sure Bethany is excited to have her own space without running into her grandparents all the time.

As a teenage girl, having a place to call my own was something I always enjoyed. Being able to walk around without having to walk on eggshells, which is what I’m sure she’s had to do while living with her grandparents, even if they are great people.

I remember when Easton was all about football and focused on getting a full-ride scholarship at the state college a few cities over. It only made me crush harder on him when he turned his life around to be there for Bethany. He never complained once about changing directions and embraced life as a young dad, even though everything he had worked so hard for was over.

Watching how deeply he cares for Bethany has been amazing and this is the kind of place he deserves for the two of them. Imagining myself in it with him is going to do nothing but cause a bunch of problems I don’t need.

Since I didn’t know how this interview would go, I didn’t bother bringing any of my stuff inside with me. I get off the bed and head down the hallway, eager to get my things piled neatly in the dresser. Easton is sitting in the living room, flipping through pages of a magazine, and doesn’t glance at me once as I pad through the room.

It had surprised me when Savanna told me I was going to be staying in his house. Considering how old Bethany is and how inconsistent his going out of town will be, I didn’t think he’d need me to be here all the time. Seems as though things are going to work in my favor though, because as long as I’m staying here without having to worry about renewing my lease, saving money is going to be a breeze for me.

I’ve thought long and hard about what it would feel like to leave this town, especially after just getting Savanna back here a few months ago, but there’s nothing else here for me. Just as I visited her when she was living in a different state, I’m sure she would manage the same for me and that’s all I need. No one else is important to me, not like Savanna is.

I try to be as quiet as possible when I come back through the front door with my overflowing suitcase, but as soon as I start down the hall, the zipper pops open and everything comes flying out. My eyes fall shut slowly and I silently curse at myself, then open them back up to find Easton looking at me from across the room. He’s still sitting on the couch, but no longer paying attention to what he was reading.

“I could’ve helped you with that,” he mutters.

“I can handle it myself.” It infuriates me when people think I can’t handle shit on my own just because I’m small. “Thank you very much,” I mumble low under my breath.

Not low enough apparently because he scoffs, then relaxes back into the couch and lets me deal with the clean-up on my own. It’s funny because I just told him I can handle it myself, yet I’m irritated that he stays on the couch while I pick everything up from the floor.

With a huff, I stomp down the hallway with a pile of clothes in my arm and throw them onto the bed before coming back out to get the rest. I hate how much I wish he was looking at me every time I walk into the room. Savanna was right - this crush is going to bite me in the ass before my time here is over.

Chapter Three


Bethany steps into the kitchen with a small smile and looks over at me. “Got a hot date tonight?” she says. I swear, every day this girl acts more and more like she’s older than she is. She wags her eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes.

It’s been the same type of conversation for a while now. I know that Bethany would like to see me settle down with someone and I’ve handled it so far by trying to steer our conversations in a different direction, but every time we have this conversation, the harder she is on me about it.

“You know what tonight is, Bethany,” I say softly. I’m trying not to be hard on her, but it’s difficult right now. With Autumn sitting a few feet away from us, it has me on edge and I’m not sure I can keep my calm the way I usually would. This isn’t the kind of conversation I want to have with my daughter while another woman is sitting in the same room.

“Uncle Elijah has a sister, you know. She’s pretty, wouldn’t you say?” She asks with amusement shining in her eyes.

“Bethany,” I say sternly, bringing out the dreaded bad cop side of me. “That’s enough.”

She groans loudly. “Come on, Dad. Would it be so bad to have someone in your life?” My gaze cuts to Autumn, who’s acting like she’s not watching us by looking at the counter, but I can tell she’s listening. I don’t like it.

“I said enough, Bethany. If you can’t stop, then you’ll eat dinner in your room.”

Her eyes shine with tears, making me feel terrible, and she shakes her head. “I just want to see you happy, Dad, that’s all. Sorry.” I want to apologize for the way I reacted, but she scurries out of the kitchen before I can get that chance. “Shit,” I mutter and run a hand over my face.

“That was harsh,” Autumn says.

As if my mood isn’t already bad enough, Autumn has to start giving me her opinion on my parenting? I don’t think so. “Good thing it’s not your damn business, then isn’t it?” I spit.
