Page 59 of Guarded Heart

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Instead of fear, excitement starts to take over and I start on breakfast for my family.


Autumn has been acting strange all day and I can’t seem to figure out what’s going on, but maybe it has something to do with the woman standing in our backyard?

Bethany comes to a stop next to me, her eyes tracking every movement outside, and asks, “What’s going on?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I’ve got no clue, Bethy.”

My wife smiles widely, then hurries across the lawn and pushes through the back sliding door with her eyes firmly on Bethany and me. “How do you guys feel about a little photoshoot?”

I cock my head to the side and frown. “Now?”

She sighs. “Yes, now. I don’t have any pictures of Bethany and me, and I just thought it was a good idea.” Tears seem to be welling up in her eyes and she shakes her head. “I can just tell the photographer to leave if you don’t want to do it. It’s okay.”

“Red,” I say quickly. “It’s okay, we can do the photoshoot.” Honestly, whatever will make my wife happy, I’ll do in a heartbeat and clearly this is important to her.

“There’re clothes set on your beds so go ahead and get changed while I talk with the photographer some more.” She lifts up on her toes and brushes her lips against my cheek with a smile. “Thank you.”

Bethany is watching Autumn silently as she makes her way outside, then slowly turns to me. “Is she okay?”

“I don’t know yet, but let’s get changed before she comes back in here to see what’s taking so long.”

When I get into my room, there’s a white t-shirt, dark jeans, and a new pair of white shoes waiting for me and I quickly slip them on before walking out of the room. Bethany is following closely behind me in a white dress of her own, her hair in waves around her face, and she gives me a small smile as we descend the stairs.

I’m not sure what’s gotten into Autumn lately, but hopefully I can talk to her about it once Bethany heads to bed. She’s been more irritable than usual and then she goes upstairs to bed where I end up finding her asleep. According to Bethany, she’s been yelling a lot more in dance class and it’s starting to put a dent in the atmosphere.

The photographer gives us a smile when Bethany and I walk into the backyard and points us to where Autumn is standing, so we make our way over to her.

For the next ten minutes the photographer places us in every position, until finally she instructs me to turn around and crouch down while Autumn wraps her arms around my neck from behind me. Bethany is standing off to the side now with her phone lifted in front of her face, and I turn my attention straight ahead while the camera clicks rapidly behind us.

“Alright,” the photographer says excitedly. “Now all of you together. Face me,” she instructs.

When I turn around, Autumn has tears in her eyes and she quickly shakes them away before glancing down at her stomach. I’m confused at first, wondering if maybe she’s not feeling well, until I realize she’s holding a sign in front of her.

“You’re going to be a dad… again!” It reads.

The photographer is snapping away in front of me capturing the moment as a smile widens on my face and I chuckle. “You’re pregnant?”

Bethany gasps beside me and jumps up and down, clapping her hands. “Oh my God, I can’t wait to tell all my friends! This is awesome.” She throws her arms around Autumn, catching her off-guard, and I blink back a few tears that are threatening to escape.

Out of all the things I had thought was going on with Autumn, this was not what I was expecting. Her mood swings make much more sense now and I wonder how long she’s known. “When did you find out?”

Autumn shrugs and looks at the ground. “A few days ago when I was at Savanna’s. Apparently we both have a habit of going to her when we’re nervous.”

“We’re having a baby,” I say softly and bring my hand to her stomach, excitement filling my chest at the thought of tiny feet running around the house again.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Bethany to death, but I can’t wait to watch Autumn be a mother to a child of her own. I can’t wait to watch her belly grow and experience parenthood alongside her.

This is going to be a new chapter for us, but it’s one I’m excited for.

“We are,” Autumn says with a nervous smile. “Are you happy?”

“Are you kidding me?” I say as I wrap my arms around her. “This is the best news I could’ve ever gotten.”

“I was worried you wanted to wait longer.”

“I’ll go at whatever pace you want to, Red. As long as it’s together.” I pull Bethany over to me and look down at her. “Are you excited to be an older sister?”

“I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life, Dad.”

Who knew that this would end up being my life? I never thought I’d get over my fear of being hurt again and I can’t help but be grateful that I didn’t let it consume me. If I had never taken the leap with Autumn, we wouldn’t be standing here.

I wouldn’t be the luckiest man in the world with my two favorite girls by my side.

Elena is probably smiling down at us right now, happy that I’m finally living my life the way she had always hoped I would.

Nothing can possibly get better than this. I press my lips to Autumn’s forehead and smile at her. “I love you, Red.”

She winks at me. “I love you more.”
