Page 30 of Love Bites

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Not liking the sudden shift, or the accusation that’s making me incredibly uncomfortable, I clam up, quickly shutting down this conversation. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Honestly, I’m not sure what he means, yet there is a niggling voice in the back of my mind saying that it wouldn’t take much to put everything he said together.

“It’s fine, you are not ready. I will not push you. I have waited a century for you, so I can wait a little longer,” he assures me, his voice soft yet confident. “Let’s head back.”

I’m just so thankful that we’ve moved away from that conversation that it takes me a while to process some of what he said. I cuddle close against him as he starts to fly us back, the cool night air beginning to make me cold.

“Wait, you’re over a hundred?” I squawk, finally realising what he just admitted.

He doesn’t answer, just chuckles as he flies us through the star speckled night.

Chapter Twelve

Pacing the length of the small room I’ve not visited before, I bite my thumb nervously, wishing for this to be over. Being alone here is just making me feel even worse. When Zane was with me, his presence calmed me, something to do with being my mate. Now, though, I feel like a yo-yo, going back and forth, or a tiger in the zoo that paces the length of their fence, unable to escape their captivity. Yes, that’s what this feels like.

My nerves are fried despite the fact that I was absolutely certain last night that I would be walking out of here today. Everyone seems so sure about it that it only helped boost my own convictions. This morning, though, something has changed in me. I don’t know whether it’s because the reality of what’s happening today has finally hit me, or some other factor I’ve not yet considered.

Surprisingly, I managed to get a couple hours of sleep, which is apparently all I need now thanks to being a vampire. Sleep has been difficult to come by since I changed, and I am sure my sudden good night of rest has everything to do with my midnight flight with Gabriel. It left me feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.

As soon as I left my room on the unit, though, my nerves intensified. I’m not sure why I am suddenly so anxious about this, especially considering that both Zane and Jack seem confident that I’ll be granted my freedom.

Zane met me at the bottom of the stairwell, his foot tapping in an uncharacteristically agitated manner. As soon as he locked eyes with me, he was in front of me faster than I could blink, pulling me into his arms and burying his face against the side of my neck. At first, I thought he was going to bite me in the open corridor for all to see. Becoming a vampire must have turned me into a hussy, because I was suddenly quite open to that idea, moaning at the physical contact as my skin touched his.

However, he simply lifted me into his arms, my legs automatically wrapping around his waist as he brought me to this room.

Our reunion was steamy but fast, since we don’t have long until the assessment. Unfortunately, all our clothes stayed on, although that was probably a blessing considering I’m supposed to go out there and present myself as an upstanding citizen. Entering the meeting with a just fucked look won’t gain me any points.

Zane left a few minutes ago to get something important, with the promise he would be back soon, which leaves me alone in this tiny room with only my own thoughts. It feels like hours since he left, my body protesting his absence which is only adding to the unsettled feeling that’s growing inside me.

A certain male has been strangely absent this morning when I was walking around—not that I went into Gabriel’s unit to find him. Usually I find him lurking around somewhere in the building, and I hoped to see him before the assessment. When they free me, I don’t know if I’ll have time to track him down and say goodbye. Why does the thought of not seeing him again upset me so much? Sure, he’s sort of become a friend, and he helped me out last night, but we don’t really know each other. At least, not enough for me to feel so torn up over this.

Thankfully before I can begin to spiral, there’s a light knock on the door. Taking a deep breath, I straighten up and try to pull myself together to call out to whoever is there, but the door swings open, revealing a slight figure in the hallway. Blinking rapidly to clear my eyes in case she’s a mirage or I’ve finally lost it and am hallucinating, I stare at my best friend like I’m seeing a ghost.

We scream in unison and throw ourselves at each other.


As soon as my arms wrap around her, I feel like I’m home. Her woodsy, slightly smoky scent brings tears to my eyes as a pang of longing goes through me—not longing in the vampire sense, but longing for our life.

While I missed my best friend so much during all of this, I hadn’t quite realised just how much I missed her until I had her in my arms. We are family, after all. I can’t imagine how difficult all of this has been for her, as she’s been kept in the dark thanks to being human. How Zane managed to convince the SNPD to let her see me, I have no idea. He told me that he has connections, and I’m starting to believe him now.

When Tina finally pries herself out of my arms, her eyes are red as she attempts to hold back her tears. She blinks rapidly and holds me at arm’s length, looking me over with a critical eye.

“Well…” She clicks her tongue. “For someone who accidentally murdered their boyfriend and was locked away in a supernatural prison after discovering they are a bloodsucking creature from fiction, you look pretty good.” Her tone is wry, and her smile is sardonic, but I can tell that beneath it all, she’s been worried for me. Sighing dramatically, she spins me around in place. “Being a vampire suits you.”

The smile I give her in return is fragile. “I missed you, Tina.”

This sets the two of us off, my eyes welling while silent tears roll down her cheeks as we clutch onto each other in a tight embrace. We say nothing as we hold one another, just the occasional sniffle escaping us. I’m not sure how much time passes, but an awkward sounding male cough reminds me of where we are and what’s happening.

Tina seems to remember the same and takes a deep breath, stepping back and wiping at her face. She still looks beautiful, whereas I’m sure my face is red and puffy, making me resemble a tomato.

“Girl, this is crazy,” she says with a short laugh and a shake of her head as she looks around the small room. “I’ve been so worried about you. Thankfully that cute officer has been keeping me updated, otherwise I’d be going out of my mind.”

Jack. I have to make sure I thank him properly, as he’s gone out of his way to reassure Tina. No one asked him to do that, and it’s not part of his job to keep humans updated. He probably had something to do with getting her here to see me as well. My throat constricts at his kindness, and I find myself overwhelmed and unable to speak.

“I’ll give you guys a minute,” Zane calls from the doorway. “You don’t have long though, so make the most of it.” He closes the door behind him, and I hear his footsteps echo down the hallway as he walks away.

I watch the door for a few heavy moments after he’s gone, feeling him getting farther away thanks to the bond. All I want to do is tear out of the room after him and wrap myself around him, needing him to help settle this wild panic that has sprung in me overnight. I don’t want to lose this time I have with Tina, though, so I need to make the most of it.

“Are you okay?” she asks, sensing something is off. “Have they been looking after you here? I’ve watched those prison documentaries, so I know how they treat women in these places.”
