Page 78 of Heart On Ice

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“And you know video games? I didn’t realize you were perfect, Ciara Callaghan.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” I said, the sour guilt in my stomach making it turn. “Hey—something happened today that I feel… weird about.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line before: “Okay…”

Just rip the Band-Aid off, Ciara, I told myself silently before blurting it all out in one long, breathless stream.


None of that made sense, I realized as I kicked myself inwardly.

But thankfully, Wiz seemed to have gotten the gist and put me out of my misery.

“So you kissed him in a closet, why do you feel bad about it?”

Or maybe he hadn’t understood me. “Because I kissed another man? And I’m your girlfriend? I know I’m new at all of this, Jae-Sun Park, but I’m pretty sure that kissing someone else when you’re someone’s girlfriend is off limits.”

Somehow my admission of guilt had turned into a scolding. If I flip flopped anymore someone was going to have to commit me because even I was getting whiplash from it all.

“It would have been had we not spoken about it last night. You told me straight up that you were interested, and I’m not opposed to a pack, so why do you sound like you’re about to break up with me—wait—you aren’t going to break up with me are you?” Wiz suddenly sounded panicked. “Because that’s not allowed.”

“I thought it was going to be the other way around if I’m being honest,” I mumbled with a breathy laugh. “Aren’t you supposed to break up with me?”

“I’m not really sure. I haven’t dated much either, so I guess we make quite a pair,” Wiz said, his rumble of laughter in my ear sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

“Well,” he continued. “Why don’t I come and pick you up and we can curl up in my bed and maybe watch a movie and then I can show you just how good of a pair we make.”

One thing I’d realized about Wiz was that he could flip his switch on a dime from the cheerful defenseman to someone who was sure to make me see stars.

“A musical?” I asked hopefully. I’d been meaning to rewatch Cats and I was sure it would draw the most interesting reaction from the other alpha. I couldn’t wait.

“Whatever you want, gorgeous,” Wiz promised. “I’ll be there in thirty.”

We hung up after that and I stood, still grinning like an idiot. I’d fully expected him to be pissed, to break up with me on the spot, and instead? Instead he’d reassured me and made me laugh.

“What did I do to deserve a guy like him?” I said to myself with disbelief before turning and heading into the house. I had time for a quick glass of wine before my boyfriend came to pick me up.

If the Ciara from fifteen years ago could see me now I was sure she’d be completely amazed… and maybe just a little bit angry because I broke our promise.

Chapter twenty-one

“Jason!” Frankie’s shout filled the living room as he pointed at us as we stepped through the front door of Wiz’s parents’ house.

Several near-clones of Frankie who were surrounding Wiz’s cousin all looked up in one, almost choreographed motion before a cacophony of hoots and shouts filled the living room. Then they were barreling in our direction.

Wiz’s hand was pulled out of mine as Frankie lifted him right off of his feet and the rest of the group descended on us.

“Is this her? She’s a beaut, Jason, what’d you do to snag a girl like her?” one of them asked, lifting my hand and giving it a wild pump of a handshake. “I’m Johnny, one of the middle cousins.”

“Ciara,” I introduced myself, already feeling a little bit out of my element amongst all of the noise.

“I’m Kenny!”

“The name’s Ronald, but everyone calls me Ronnie!”

“I’m Lennie, and my sister Kelly is in the other room.”

They all introduced themselves to me in such quick succession that there was no way for me to even try and remember their names. It did, however, become incredibly clear that Wiz’s aunts and uncles had similar naming conventions for all of their children. I was just waiting for Mickey, Eddie, and Archie to come out of the woodwork.
