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I couldn’t believe it was finally time, but there was no way I could deny it any longer. No, I wanted them – not just one of them, but both of them. I had held on to my virginity for so long now, waiting for the perfect guy, selfishly holding out for only the very best, and now, I was pretty certain they were standing right in front of me.

And there was no way I was going to miss out on a chance to see that through.

"You were wondering if I was a virgin, right?" I asked them. Alex paused before he replied, but Solomon nodded.

"Yeah," he replied. "Well, I was, anyway."

"I am," I admitted, my voice a little shaky. These guys were so much older than me, no doubt all the women they’d been with had had some real experience,...but there was no way they could have faked the desire they felt for me, right? No way they could have fooled me with their touch, their kiss, their insistence on seeing me come.

"Really?" Solomon blurted out, sounding shocked. "What – I mean, why?"

I took a deep breath. I knew it had to seem strange to them, after how willingly and easily I had given myself to them, but it was the truth.

"Because I never met a guy I wanted to lose it to," I confessed. "I...I had plenty of offers, I had a few boyfriends in high school, but none of them...none of them ever felt like enough. I was always waiting for someone who made me feel like it just had to happen, and they never came along. And the longer I waited, the more sure I became that I wanted it to be perfect."

Alex stared at me. I couldn’t read the expression on his face, but it made something in the base of my stomach fizz. I knew, really, that these two men should have intimidated me – their experience, their strength, their power, and their control over me should have had me shaking in my boots. But it didn’t. No, when I looked at them, I saw the guys I had been waiting for. The people I wanted to lose it to. I swallowed heavily before I continued.

"And I think I found them."

Both of the guys took a second to clock on to what I was saying. They exchanged a glance and then turned their gazes back to me.

"What are you talking about?" Alex demanded like he was making certain he hadn’t misunderstood.

"I mean...I mean, I want to lose it to you," I confessed. "Both of you."

Those words just hung there between the three of us. Oh, God, I couldn’t believe I had just said that out loud – both of them? Did I mean that? I bit my lip, waiting for them to respond, waiting for them to tell me I was crazy. Or maybe...

"That’s a bad idea," Alex replied. I cocked my head at him.


"Because...because your father hired us," he pointed out. "If he found out..."

"So we make sure he doesn’t find out," I murmured, as I took a step towards them, entering the kitchen. Standing between them like this, was downright intoxicating, the feel of them this close to me. Oh, I knew I should have been better at controlling myself, but how could I even think about it, when I was with these two men? These men who had me acting in ways I had never thought I would, these men who made my whole body light up with excitement and desire...

I brushed close to Solomon, and I heard him draw in a sharp breath. He was trying to hold himself back, knowing that, if one of them gave in, they both would – they were trying to hang on to some amount of control, but they knew it didn’t work like that. Not here, not now. Not with us. Not tonight, when the rest of the city was asleep, and it could have been just us three left in the world...

I turned to Alex, lifting my hand to his cheek. He didn’t pull away. Solomon slid his hand across the small of my back, and even this, both of them touching me, was enough to make my toes curl against the polished wood floor below me.

I leaned in to kiss Alex, pressing my mouth to his – half-expecting him to pull away and stop this before it could go any further, to close me down before I could sink into the warmth of his embrace. But, instead, I felt him soften into me, his lips caressing mine, his hand pushing into my hair, as Solomon kissed my neck.

And that was it. I knew I had them, right where I wanted them. Both of them. I needed both of them. I could never have imagined in a million years that this was where I would finally lose it, with two men at once, but after so long waiting...well, it had to be something pretty special, right?

I led them both through to my bedroom, where Alex guided me onto the bed, drawing me down so I was between them – facing Alex, Solomon behind me. He slid his hand to my thigh, pushing up the hem of my nightdress, just like he had on that first night we had been together – I could feel his breath in my ear as Alex pushed his hand between my thighs, cupping his fingers around my pussy.

"You’re so wet already," he murmured to me, brushing his lips against mine, as Solomon planted a line of kisses along my shoulder, up my neck, towards my ear. Alex dipped his fingers against my slit, grazing them along my entrance, and I gasped at the newness of it, the shock of how perfect it felt...

Behind me, Solomon unzipped his pants, pressing his cock against the crease of my ass – I could feel him, just an inch or two from my entrance, my whole body throbbing in anticipation. As though well aware of what I needed right now, Alex slipped his hand to my thigh and lifted it slightly, parting my legs as he kissed me once more.

And then, at last, I felt it – the pressure of Solomon’s cock against my pussy for the first time. I groaned against Alex’s mouth as Solomon grasped my hip, holding me steady, his breathing fast and labored against my ear.

The sensation was, at first, so alien to me, I didn’t know how to make sense of it – that feeling of being entered, of fullness, as my pussy spread to accommodate him almost more than I could take. Alex pressed his forehead to mine, staring into my eyes, like he was drinking in this moment, drinking in this instant where I lost it.

"How does it feel?" he murmured to me, as Solomon slowly eased the last few inches of his length inside of me. I could feel our bodies pressed together, his arm sliding around my waist to pull me into him. I had never been closer to anyone in my life before. That feeling of intimacy was almost overwhelming, but then, I felt Solomon rubbing his thumb softly against my hip, and it brought me back down to Earth.

"Good," I breathed back, smiling as I kissed him again. "Really, really good..."

"Fuck, you’re so tight," Solomon groaned in my ear, as he began to move inside of me. I had expected it to hurt, and yeah, it took a hot second for me to get used to the way it felt, but it wasn’t sore – it wasn’t even uncomfortable, past the first few thrusts. No, it just felt...right. Like my body had been waiting for this. Like there had been some part of me, some part of me deep down inside, that had been craving this for longer than I could put into words.
