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Tonight is no different. After another day shadowing her every move, we're back at the mansion—the epicenter of our twisted little world.

She's safe inside; another day down without incident—a victory in this silent war we're waging.

I'm alone now in what passes for my command center, a room filled with monitors and reports—a stark contrast to the rest of Sasha's elegant home. It’s here that I find a moment's peace from the chaos of our situation and my own tangled emotions.

Outside, Los Angeles sprawls around me—a city teeming with life and secrets. The darkness holds both promise and peril; it cloaks us in anonymity but hides threats in its shadows.

Standing before the window, arms crossed over my chest as if they could hold everything together, my resolve hardens within me like steel tempered by fire.

I’m going to keep Sasha safe—that’s non-negotiable.

The reflection staring back at me from the glass is a man marked by battles fought and lost—a warrior trying to find redemption in protecting someone who used to mean everything.

There's no room for error, not when every shadow could be hiding a monster waiting to strike. It's a weight that presses down on me with every breath—a responsibility that's both an honor and a curse.

And as much as this proximity is tearing open old wounds—wounds that never really healed—I can't walk away. Not from her.

It’s funny how life circles back around—how destiny throws you right back into the fray even when you think you've outrun it.

I pour myself a drink—bourbon, no ice—and let it burn down my throat like liquid fire. It grounds me, reminding me that there are still things that can cut through the numbness.

A soft curse escapes my lips because no matter how much armor you put on or how high you build your walls, there are some things you just can’t protect yourself against—like memories... like love.

It's in these quiet hours when the world fades away that doubt creeps in alongside regret. What if I fail her? What if all these plans aren’t enough?

I shake off those thoughts like rainwater; they have no place here. This isn’t about me; it’s about her, about keeping Sasha safe from this psycho who thinks they can claim her as theirs.

So here I stand—a sentinel gazing out into the night—my promise silent but ironclad: to shield her from the darkness until my last breath.

Tomorrow will come with its challenges, and we'll face them head-on like we always do. But tonight... tonight is for steeling myself against what lies ahead.

Just as I'm about to pour myself another drink, a sharp knock at the door shatters the silence. Instantly, I'm on high alert. No one should be disturbing me at this hour. I reach for my gun, the cold metal a familiar comfort in my hand.

I approach the door cautiously, every sense heightened. Slowly, I turn the handle, ready for whatever threat lies on the other side. But when I open the door, it's not a faceless assailant that greets me.

It's Sasha.

She stands there, a vision in silk and lace, her eyes wide with fear. "Axel," she whispers, her voice trembling. "I think someone's in the house."

I'm on my feet in an instant. "Alright, calm down. Did you see anyone?"

"No, but?—"

"Stay here." I move past her, my hand at the small of her back guiding her into the room.

Sasha's a firecracker, always on edge these days. Can't say I blame her with a stalker in the mix.

I peer out the window, scanning the shadows for signs of movement or sound, but hear nothing except the whispering Pine and the occasional rustle of wildlife. But that doesn't mean shit if someone's good at their game.

"I swear I heard something," she insists from behind me, wrapping her arms around herself.

I nod, my eyes still trained on the darkness outside. Then, I hear it. I know that sound all too well. The faint click of a camera shutter, the rustle of someone trying to stay hidden in the bushes. I've dealt with these vultures before, and they all have the same tricks.

My shoulders relax, but only slightly. “It’s paparazzi.”

She steps closer, her voice low. "You think it's really them? Not... not the stalker?"

I turn to face her, my expression grim. "Yeah, well, these bloodsuckers are like roaches—they show up uninvited and scurry when you shine a light. Trust me, I've seen it a thousand times. They're after a quick shot, a headline. The stalker... they're after something more."
