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Taking a deep breath, I feel the words bubbling up from somewhere deep inside—a place I've kept locked away for too long.

"It wasn't just any operation," I start, my voice barely above the hum of the idling engine. "We were ambushed—and I... I lost good men. Derek was the only reason I made it out alive."

There's pain in those words, and reverence too—for Derek, for those we left behind. The darkness feels heavier now, filled with ghosts of my past that cling to me like a second skin.

"That mission, it changed everything," I continue, my throat tight with emotion. "I was broken, Sasha. Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally. I felt like a failure, like I didn't deserve anything good in my life. And that included you."

I feel her hand tighten around mine, a silent encouragement to keep going.

"I wanted to reach out to you, to explain why I disappeared. But I couldn't. I felt unworthy, like you deserved someone better, someone whole. I thought you were better off without me."

The words hang heavy in the air, a confession that's been weighing on my soul for far too long. I risk a glance at Sasha, expecting to see hurt or anger in her eyes. But instead, I find understanding and a softness that nearly undoes me.

"Axel," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "I never blamed you for not coming back. I knew, deep down, that you had your reasons. But I wish you had given me a chance to be there for you, to help you carry that burden."

I nod, swallowing past the lump in my throat. "I know that now. But back then, I was too lost in my own pain to see it. I thought I was protecting you by staying away."

Sasha's fingers intertwine with mine, a gesture of comfort and connection. "We've both been through so much, Axel. But we're here now, together. And that's what matters."

Her words wash over me like a balm, soothing the ache that's been residing in my chest for so long. She's right. We can't change the past, but we can choose how we move forward.

"Axel," she says softly, "showing me this side of you doesn't make you any less of a man. If anything, it makes me respect you more."

Her words aren't just empty reassurances; they're lifelines thrown into turbulent waters. And for the first time in what feels like forever, I consider grabbing hold.

In the thick of my emotions, and seeing the look of acceptance in her eyes, I drop my guard even further—maybe too far. Holding her gaze, I lean forward and meet her lips with mine. It’s not the frenzied passion of our night together year ago, but my desperate attempt to communicate the depth of my appreciation for everything she is.

I’m surprised when she matches my kiss with equal fervor, and we reach for each other, trying to pull the torn bits of our beings back together. One of her hands hooks behind my neck, pulling me closer, while the other roams over my chest and around my shoulder. I settle my hands on the curve of her hips, desperately wishing to close the distance between us.

And then, I remember myself—remember my mission. Even on a road in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, danger could be lurking in the shadows. I still have no idea what this stalker is really capable of, and lapses like this… those are what get people killed.

So I pull away, and Sasha looks at me with a mixture of confusion and disappointment. “We can’t,” I say, “Not here, and not now.” She nods, looking down at her hands folded in her lap.

As we pull back onto the road and Pine Haven draws closer with every mile we conquer together, something unspoken yet palpable fills the space between us. The silence isn't awkward anymore—it's shared; it's ours.

It's in this quiet understanding that we continue our journey—not just toward safety or refuge—but toward something resembling hope—a chance to heal wounds both seen and unseen.



The wheels of the car crunch over gravel, and the dense canopy of Pine Haven trees parts to reveal the safe house. It's nothing like my LA mansion. It's all sleek lines and expansive windows, nestled like it's grown right out of the forest floor.

"Damn, Axel, compensating for something with this fortress?" My tone is light, but I'm already cataloging the nearest exits and wondering how sound carries in the vast silence around us.

He chuckles, a low rumble that seems at home among the whispering pines. "Just like to keep my guests comfortable," he says, shooting me a look that's all business despite the humor in his voice.

I step out of the car and my boots sink slightly into the earth, rich with pine needles. The air is crisp, almost biting compared to the smog-laced breeze of LA. It’s disconcerting, this quiet. There are no distant sirens and no constant hum of traffic—just nature's breath and our own.

I wrap my arms around myself, not just from the chill but from a sudden vulnerability that grips me. This isn't just a change of scenery; it's like stepping onto another planet where my voice could get lost in all this space.

Axel's already by my side, his presence solid and reassuring. He notices my shiver. "Cold?" he asks, though it sounds more like a statement than a question.

"Just not used to all this..." I gesture to the endless trees and sky. "...stillness."

He nods, understanding without needing more words. "It grows on you. The silence isn't empty—it's full of life if you listen."

I snort, but it's edged with real curiosity. "Spoken like a true hermit. Do you talk to squirrels for fun here?"
