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As Axel thrusts deeper into me, he pauses for a moment to run his hands over my curves, worshiping my body as he promised he would. His touch sends shivers down my spine, and I can feel the intensity of his gaze as he takes in every inch of me.

"You're so beautiful, Sasha," he growls, his voice low and full of desire. "So perfect."

His words send a thrill through me, and I can feel my body responding to his touch, my heart racing with excitement. He leans down to capture my lips in a searing kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth as his hands continue to roam over my body.

I can feel the possessiveness in his touch, the way he claims me as his own. It's a primal, alpha instinct that sends a shiver of excitement through me. I know that I'm his, and he's mine, and in this moment, nothing else matters.

As he continues to move inside me, his thrusts becoming faster and more urgent, I can feel myself getting lost in the sensation of our bodies moving together. It's a rhythm that speaks of love and desire, of need and fulfillment. And as we move together, I know that I've never felt more alive, more cherished, or more loved.

As his thrusts become erratic, his breath comes in ragged gasps. I can feel him swelling inside me, and I know he's close. I reach between us, finding my clit and rubbing it in time with his thrusts. I come again, my body clenching around him, and that's all it takes to send him over the edge. He buries his face in my neck, his body shuddering as he comes, filling me with his warmth.

We lie there for a moment, our bodies slick with sweat, our breaths mingling. Then he rolls off me, pulling me into his arms. I rest my head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

"Fuck, Sasha," he murmurs, his voice hoarse. "That was... fuck."

I smile against his skin. "Yeah," I agree. "It was."

I lie there, my heart still pounding in my chest, as Axel gently untangles our limbs and kisses my forehead. He murmurs something about being right back, and I watch as he pads naked across the room, his muscular form bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. I can't help but admire the view, feeling a warmth spread through me that has nothing to do with our lovemaking.

A moment later, he returns with a warm, damp towel in hand. He sits on the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving mine as he tenderly begins to clean me up. I bite my lip, overwhelmed by the intimacy of the gesture. It's a side of Axel I've never seen before, and it makes my heart swell with a feeling I can't quite name.

Once he's finished, he tosses the towel aside and climbs back into bed, pulling me into his arms. I snuggle against him, my head on his chest, listening to his now slowing heartbeat. It's a comforting sound, a reminder that we're here, together, in this moment.

"I missed you, Sasha," he whispers, his voice barely audible.

I look up at him, my eyes wide. It's the first time he's said those words, and they strike me like lightening. I smile, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. "I missed you too, Axel," I reply, my voice thick with emotion.

The next morning, Axel announces that we’re going to the local farmers market to bask in the local culture.

As Axel and I stroll hand in hand through the bustling market of Pine Haven, I can't help but marvel at the ease that's settled over me. The sun is warm on my skin, and the laughter that bubbles up from my chest feels like a long-lost friend. It's a stark contrast to the fear that's been my constant companion these past few weeks.

I know Axel's been worried about me, trying to find ways to distract me from the dark cloud of the stalker's latest threat. But here, amidst the vibrant stalls and friendly faces, I almost feel like a normal girl on a date with her gorgeous boyfriend.

We're examining a colorful array of produce when a familiar voice cuts through the chatter of the market.


I turn just in time to be engulfed in a hug that nearly sweeps me off my feet. Tessa's electric blue hair is a shock of color against the earthy tones of the market, her energy as vibrant as ever.

"Tessa! What are you doing here?" I ask, delight and surprise mingling in my voice as I return her embrace.

"Axel called me," she says with a grin, pulling back to look at me. "Said you could use a little taste of home."

I glance at Axel, my heart swelling with gratitude and something deeper, something I'm not quite ready to name. "You did this? For me?"

He shrugs, but the smile tugging at his lips is tender. "I thought you could use a day with your best friend. And what better place than here? Pine Haven is like something out of a storybook."

Tessa nods eagerly, her eyes sparkling as she takes in the quaint charm of the town. "It's gorgeous, Sasha.” She turns to Axel, giving him an appraising look. “I’m glad to see you’ve been keeping my best friend out of harm’s way.”

We decide to grab lunch at a cozy diner, the three of us squeezing into a booth like old friends. As we chat and laugh, I can't help but marvel at how natural this feels—Axel and Tessa, the two most important people in my life, getting along like they've known each other for years.

But Tessa, ever the observant one, isn't about to let us off the hook that easily.

"So," she says, leaning back in her seat and fixing us with a knowing look, "you two seem pretty cozy for people who are just... What was it? Pretending to be a couple?"

I nearly choke on my iced tea, heat rushing to my cheeks. "Tessa!"

She throws up her hands in mock surrender, but the mischief in her eyes is unmistakable. "What? Am I wrong?"
