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"In what universe would Axel Creed sit behind a desk?" His voice is low, teasing.

I shrug, feeling a smile of my own emerge. "Maybe one where he doesn't have to worry about paparazzi or... stalkers."

He steps closer, and I can feel the weight of his gaze. "And would Sasha Cruz be content with an ordinary life?"

"Maybe," I confess. "Sometimes I dream about being someone who doesn't have to think twice about walking down the street."

Axel nods, understanding etching his features. "Freedom's a luxury when it's been snatched away from you."

The mood shifts as our laughter fades into something more serious, more raw. He looks at me with those intense blue eyes that seem to see right through me.

"You're not just 'someone,' Sasha. You're extraordinary." The words hang between us, heavy with unspoken emotion.

"I don't always want to be," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "Being extraordinary comes with too much baggage."

He closes the distance between us in two strides. "Then let me carry some of it for you."

It's hard to breathe when he's this close, his presence so commanding yet so gentle. I can almost taste the promise in his words.

"You already are," I say as I meet his gaze squarely. The air crackles with tension and something more—desire.

We've danced around each other since he came back into my life—two people with too much history and too much at stake. But tonight feels different; there's an undercurrent pulling us together, impossible to ignore.

Axel brushes a strand of hair from my face, his touch sending shivers down my spine. "I want more than just carrying your burdens," he confesses in a gravelly voice that sends warmth flooding through me.

"And what is it that you want?" My heart races in anticipation of his answer.

"You," he says simply. "All of you."

His words unravel me. They're not just about desire; they're about connection, about seeing each other beyond our scars and fears.

I lean into him then, because despite everything telling me to guard my independence fiercely, Axel Creed makes me feel seen in ways I never thought possible.

His lips find mine in a kiss that's both an answer and a question—a merging of past pain and present longing—and I kiss him back like he's my anchor in these troubled waters.

Breaking away from his lips, I catch my breath and look up at him. "Axel," I start, feeling the weight of what's unfolding between us. "I'm not good at this—letting someone in. It scares the hell out of me."

He nods, his expression softening. "I know. And I'm not going to pretend I'm not scared too."

"Scared?" I ask, surprised by his admission.

"Yeah." He runs a hand through his hair, a rare sign of nervousness from the man who always seems in control. "Scared of messing this up. Of hurting you."

His words strike a chord deep within me. It's not just about physical safety; it's about the emotional stakes that come with letting someone close.

I reach up to touch his face, tracing the stubble along his jawline with my fingers. "You won't hurt me," I say quietly. "Not like you think."

He leans into my touch, closing his eyes briefly before meeting my gaze again. "I want this, Sasha—us—but not if it means putting you at risk."

My heart swells at his protective nature—so strong and honorable—but also at the fear lurking beneath his confident exterior.

"I want us too," I confess. "And for what it's worth, you make me feel safe—not just from some stalker but safe to be myself."

He pulls me closer until there's no space left between us. "That goes both ways," he says seriously. "You make me feel like maybe... maybe there's more to life than just being on guard all the time."

In this dimly lit room, with the fire casting shadows on the walls and Axel holding me like I'm something precious, everything shifts into place.

The early light sneaks in, casting a soft glow over Axel's stubbled jaw as he breaks away from our kiss, his breath mingling with mine. He's got that look in his eyes—the one that says he's just as undone as I am, but still every inch the protective military man.
