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He chuckles, shaking his head. "Look, Axel, I know this isn't easy for you. But remember, she's your client now. Keep your head in the game."

I stand and face him, flexing my fingers before wrapping them around a dumbbell. "Derek," I start in earnest, hoisting the weight with a controlled curl, "I've got this under control."

His gaze holds mine for a long beat before he nods. "I know you do. But if you need to talk, I'm here. We've been through worse together."

"I appreciate that," I say sincerely. Derek's unwavering loyalty and understanding have been a constant in my life since our days in the service.

As he turns to leave, he pauses at the door. "Just remember, Axel, sometimes the most dangerous battles are the ones we fight within ourselves."

With those words hanging in the air, he disappears, leaving me alone with iron and echoes of a past that refuses to stay quiet—a past that suddenly has very real implications for my future.

The room's quiet hum is a stark contrast to the cacophony of doubts ricocheting inside my skull. It's time to strategize, to shift into the mode that's second nature—the protector, the guardian.

I flick on my desk lamp, its glow slicing through the darkness. Maps sprawl across my desk alongside reports and photographs—the tools of my trade. My fingers dance over them, each movement deliberate, tracing paths and points like a general plotting his next offensive.

"You're in deep this time, Creed," I mutter to myself, but there's a smirk tugging at my lips.

I drag a hand down my face, feeling the rough stubble scratch against my palm. Personal risks be damned; it's her safety on the line. And yet... there's that spark of something else—something that doesn't belong in the neat boxes where I file away my missions.


I pull out a pen and start marking up the maps. Surveillance points. Checkpoints. Safe routes. The rhythm of it is calming—almost. But underneath it all is an undercurrent of... what? Anticipation? Dread?



The conference room feels more like an interrogation chamber as I wait for the security team to arrive. My leg bounces nervously, my fingers drumming against the polished wood of the table. Tessa sits beside me, her presence a comforting anchor in the sea of uncertainty.

The door swings open, and Simon enters, followed by a group of men who look like they've stepped straight out of a military action movie. They're all broad shoulders and steely gazes, their postures rigid with discipline.

But it's the man who enters last that steals my breath. Tall and imposing, with piercing blue eyes and a jawline that could cut glass, he radiates power and control. And something else, too... something that makes my heart skip a beat. Familiarity.

It’s Axel.

"Sasha, I'd like you to meet Axel Creed," Simon says, gesturing to the man. "He's the head of Sentinel Security and will be personally overseeing your protection detail."

"Sasha," Axel says, his voice a low rumble that resonates through me. I can hear the restraint, the professionalism. But there's something else, a hint of the past, the ghost of a single night years ago.

"Axel," I reply, my voice steady, betraying none of the turmoil inside me. I lift my chin, meeting his gaze head-on, refusing to let him see the effect he has on me.

As his hand envelops mine, a jolt of electricity shoots through me. It's like a spark igniting, a connection forged in an instant. His touch is firm, his skin rough against mine, a reminder of the strength that lies beneath the surface.

I take my seat, trying to ignore the way my heart races at his proximity. The meeting begins, and Axel's voice fills the room, commanding attention as he outlines the security plan.

"We'll have a team stationed at all entry points, 24/7 surveillance, and a dedicated detail assigned to Sasha at all times," he explains, his gaze sweeping the room. "We'll also be conducting a thorough risk assessment and updating the security protocols at all venues and events."

As he speaks, I find myself studying him, trying to reconcile the man before me with the one I knew all those years ago. He's different now, harder, more guarded. But there's still a glimmer of the Axel I remember, the one who made me feel seen, understood, and alive.

The meeting progresses, and I try to focus on the details, the logistics, the practicalities of the situation. But my mind keeps drifting, pulled back to the memories of that night, the one that changed everything.

I remember the heat of his touch, the hunger in his eyes, and the way he made me feel like I was the only woman in the world. I remember the promises we made, the dreams we shared, the future we dared to imagine.

But that was then, and this is now. And as much as I might wish things were different, I know that the past is just that... the past.

As the meeting winds down, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. Maybe things will be okay. With Axel and his team on my side, I can face whatever comes my way.

But then, just as we're about to wrap up, Simon's phone rings. He steps away to take the call, his brow furrowed with concern.
