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I swallow and tighten the grip on my torn shirt. “I do like it,” I admit. “But, Archie, you should know… I’ve never done this before. I want to, but…” I trail off, too embarrassed to admit that I have no clue what I’m doing.

Archie nods. “I know being with a vampire is different,” he says, misunderstanding me. And why not? Who's ever heard of a virgin my age? Not in this century, anyway.

Though, considering how long the guy's lived, shouldn't he be used to virgins?

“We can take it slow. There’s no rush. And I'm sorry I tore your shirt,” he says.

“The reason I reacted the way I did,” I press on, “isn't because it's my first time with a vampire. It's because it's my first time with anyone.”

His eyes widen. “First time? Janet, are you saying that you're a virgin?”

I nod.


His reply sends a flood of heat traveling up my cheeks, and I feel a sudden need to defend myself… especially since Archie's reaction makes it clear he doesn't want to do this anymore. Which isn’t my fault. It’s not like there have been that many opportunities to lose my virginity, especially these last few years. I haven’t met a single eligible man… well, except Archie. Who, as he reminded me, isn’t a man, but a vampire.

I place my hands on my hips and glare at him. “Don't blame me. I work in a library in the middle of nowhere. Before today, the youngest man I've seen in over a year was sixty-five. And library school was practically all women.”

At Archie's incredulous look, I turn away from him.

“Never mind, Archie. It's fine. Let's get dressed. Clearly you were just after a random fling, and you don't want an inexperienced virgin who has no clue what she's doing. Though technically, I've read so much romance, I'd probably be a natural,” I murmur.

I try to ignore the lump in my throat. Even though I've only known Archie for a short time, I feel drawn to him in a way that I've never felt with anyone before. And getting to know him, talking about our favorite books and our lives, has made me feel close to him. Like we could be friends, and maybe more. But it’s more than that. It’s like something primal, deep down, is telling me he’s the one… Only now I know it’s all in my head. I probably won't see Archie after this, and it hurts more than I'd like to admit.

“Janet, I didn't stop because I only want a fling. I stopped because I care.”

I turn around to face him. His words send a surge of hope coursing through me, but I hold my breath and wait for him to say more.

“I like you, a lot, and I don't want to take your innocence. Not when you're obviously not ready.”

“Of course I'm ready,” I scowl at him. “I'm twenty-freaking-five, and I still haven't had sex with anyone.” I realize how that makes me sound and quickly add. “And I don't want to have sex with anyone.”

Archie's face falls.

“I mean with just anyone,” I clarify. “I want to have sex with you, Archie.”

His eyes instantly blaze bright red, and his fangs pop out. I love that he has such an obvious tell, and it sets my heart racing.

Archie instantly freezes. “You're scared.”

“I'm not.”

“Your heart's racing.”

I gasp. “You can tell?”

“I can hear it.”

“All the time?”

He nods.

“Great.” I cross my arms over my chest. “So I can't hide how attracted I am to you?”

He grins. “You're attracted to me?”

I roll my eyes. “Like you didn't know. But at least you can’t hide it either, Mr. Red Eyes and Fangs.”
