Page 1 of Moon Fated Mate

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The hand wrapped around Brinnah Ashford’s wrist, squeezing tightly, felt like it was about to crush her bones.

Vadin yanked her behind him, half dragging her, not caring in the least that she tripped and stumbled along. Not even bothering to check or care if he was hurting her. The entire pack lodge, seated for the evening meal, stared at her. Some with pity, most with indifference. When they reached the raised dais, where the alpha held court surrounded by the pack elders, he pulled her sharply and tossed her to the ground. Brinnah landed with a painful jolt, bruising her knees as she fell.

“What is the meaning of disturbing our dinner, Vadin?” Alpha asked, sounding almost bored.

On her hands and knees, Brinnah looked up at the pack alpha.

“The High Luna has decided to play a nasty joke on me,” Vadin snarled. “I am a sentinel. I have a prestigious standing in the hierarchy of this pack, and that doesn’t include having a lowly omega as a mate. One who’s no better than a pup learning how to shift.”

A collective intake of breath echoed in the suddenly silent room. Shame coursed through Brinnah, and all she wanted to do was go back to the unmated females’ cabin, bury her head in her blankets, and forget about this horrible day. What did she do to deserve this? She disliked Vadin so much, the thought of being his fated mate sickened her. He was a cruel man and a bully, especially to the wolves far weaker than himself. Many times, he’d say to the unmated females that since he had no mate, he was going to use them for his own pleasure. The threat of rape was enough to make all the women shut up and allow him to steal their resources, their food, and other supplies.

Brinnah didn’t know how the High Luna could be so cruel. It wasn’t like she was a newly transitioned wolf. That was almost ten years ago, so why give her a mate now? She’d rather remain a single woman than be with someone horrible.

“I deserve better!” Vadin all but screamed the proclamation. He certainly made sure everyone in the room heard him. “I don’t deserve her!”

He pointed an accusing finger at her, as if this was somehow all her fault.

“I reject Brinnah Ashford as my mate!”

Pain twisted in her chest, so sharp she thought she might be having some sort of attack. She pressed a hand over her heart, panting. A sickness rose up, threatening to spew out, so she breathed through her nose in an effort not to vomit.

Slowly, the alpha rose to his feet. “Be careful with those words, Vadin,” he said coldly. “You only get one fated mate.”

“I don’t want a mate,” Vadin said, emphasizing his words clearly. “I especially don’t want that as a mate.”

He sneered, his nose wrinkling like she smelled. Like she was a piece of shit on the bottom of his boot. To him, however, that was exactly what she was. He was a sentinel wolf, third highest rank in a wolf pack, right below the beta. His importance was unquestioned.

“You have the ability to sever the mate bond,” Vadin continued.

“With chosen mates,” the alpha corrected. “Not with fated ones. Nothing can sever what the High Luna has given.”

“Then the High Luna can go fuck herself,” Vadin spat.

A collective gasp went through the entire room. A few elders leaned into one another to mutter under their breaths. Then he turned and glared at everyone.

“I, Vadin Remmel, renounce this piece of trash omega wolf,” he said loudly. Shame rolled through her, not because she thought of herself as a piece of trash, but because no one defended her. How could she be part of a pack that treated her so badly?

Then Vadin stomped out of the pack lodge, leaving her behind. Slowly, Brinnah carefully rose to her feet. Blood coated both knees and her wrists were sore. She looked up at the alpha and saw pity in his eyes.

“You can leave, Brinnah,” he said quietly. “Go, and try to put this behind you.”

She turned to escape, his words tumbling through her mind. You can leave. Was the wording deliberate, and was he giving her permission to leave the pack? She interpreted it that way, so she took it to heart since it was something she had always wanted, but hadn’t the bravery to ask for it. Now, however, she had a chance. The only question left was where would she go?

At her cabin, her roommates sat at the small dinette table, and as soon as they saw her, they jumped to their feet. Her friend, Kadie, rushed over.

“You’re bleeding!” she exclaimed in horror.

“Vadin pushed me down. He … he publicly rejected me. Just tossed me away like I was nothing.”

Kadie’s mouth flattened. “Come, let’s take care of those scrapes.”

Kadie took her hand and led her into the small bathroom, pushing her to sit on the closed commode while she got out the first aid kit. Omega’s healing ability was far slower than the higher-ranked wolves, but still better than a mere human. In a few days, she wouldn’t even have a scar.

Their other roommate, Maggie, leaned against the doorway with her arms folded over her chest. “He’s an asshole.”

“I’m not going to disagree,” Brinnah muttered.
