Page 165 of Hooking a Hottie

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His love was endless and pure and it came with an unspoken word. Even though I secretly did crave to hear those words slip from his lips to my ears and my soul, I just knew he did love me. No questions asked. So maybe I wanted him to chase me along the beach for a little while as I cried.

Strange enough, the other half of my body - from the waist down - was having a wonderful party. My hips were soft and loose. My legs aching just a little from my muscles flexing so hard when I came. And then my inner thighs… wetness. Everywhere. Same for my panties too. Soaked. The unstoppable force of pleasure that only a man like Henry could create for me to enjoy.

I finally stopped.

My feet dug into the sand. I threw my arms out to keep my balance.

I faced the ocean.

I counted in my head and made it to three seconds before I felt Henry’s hands touch my sides. His massive hands. His strong hands. His protective and loving hands.

“Sage,” he said.

My name. His lips.

I gasped for a breath.

He started to turn me around but I grabbed his hands and resisted.

“I know what you’ve been thinking,” I said. “I’ve been thinking the same.”

“Look at me, honey. Talk to me to my face. You’ve never had to hide before. Don’t hide from me now.”

I slowly turned.

Henry touched my face.

I touched his hands.

I needed to be alone. Or at least untouched.

“We’re thinking the same thing,” I said. “We’re facing it all, Henry. I know that. It’s not just a simple phone call. Or a promise to meet up again. Look where we are right now. This house. This beach house you rented. Just for me.”

“Not only for you,” Henry whispered with a smile.

“That. Right there. I know. It adds up, doesn’t it? The timing. I know you’re thinking it.”

Henry’s jaw tightened up. “Okay.”

“Tell me you’re thinking it. I need to hear it. I need to know.”

“We’re talking about your son, Sage.”

“We are.”

“Something has been on your mind more than mine. That’s safe to say. I can’t imagine what you must be thinking or going through. Or what you’ve been going through.”

“It’s all hitting home, Henry. It never did before. It never really had to. I was busy, okay? I had my life just… I don’t even know what I had. Or what I have right now.”

“Hey. Right now… you’ve got this.” Henry opened his arms. “All of this. I’m not talking about me either. You do have me, yes, but you have this place. This beach. This house. At least for now. Your son is upstairs having the time of his life. Getting a chance to relax. He needs this. You need this.”

“What if you’re his father?” I blurted out.

And there it was.

The burning question.

I said it. I spoke it. I asked it. I felt it.
