Page 37 of Slower

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“No more of that. I’ll have to come too if we keep going, and we both know I’m not good at keeping quiet. Must be all my years of performing on stage.”

He shakes his head from side to side as he gives me a lopsided grin. “You’re something else, Corrin Ray.”

“Something good, I hope.”

“Something great,” he replies.

Chapter 12


“You sure you’re not a robot?” A tiny finger pokes my cheek.

I blink, then turn my head to see who the culprit is. I’m unsurprised to find Star standing on the counter beside me. The counter part is shocking, but not the person behind the distraction.

A glance around us tells me the rest of the adults are still outside. I’d slipped inside to catch my breath after Corrin bumped into me for the fifth time since we got here. I guess Star decided to find me since she’s here now.

“I’m not a robot, Star. Just a man who is a touch distracted,” I tell her as I hold my hand out to help her down. It can’t possibly be safe for her little body to be up so high.

She huffs and crosses her arms. “I can get down myself. I got up here, didn’t I?”

I grin, then push the chair away so she can’t reach it. “That might be true, but now you don’t have a way down. Let me help.”

“You're a meanie!” Her growl makes her look like some kind of feral princess. I’d be more intimidated if she weren’t in the fluffiest pink dress I’ve ever seen. That and her crown lessen the effect of her anger.

Turning to give her my back, I look over my shoulder. “Let’s compromise. Piggyback?”

I don’t get a verbal answer. Her reply is to jump from the counter onto my back with gusto. I catch her legs, then adjust her hands so she can’t choke me out.

“All aboard!” I shout before bouncing us around the furniture of the living room towards the back door where everyone else is. I reach for the door only to have it open, and Corrin appear.

He smiles at me softly. “There you are. I wondered where you’d gone.”

“Move! The train needs to choo!” Star waves her little fist at him, effectively making him jump back as he bows to her.

“My apologies Lady Star. Please go forth.”

The two of them are in the midst of a battle to see who'll cave first. Corrin is determined to treat her like royalty all day, given her clothes. Star has bet him a hundred dollars and cake for breakfast if he breaks character.

I kind of hope Star wins. If for no other reason than she’ll make sure to cash in with glee.

She tightens her hold on my neck as she bucks against my back. “Giddy up, unicorn!”

I chuckle at the distinction. Of course, Star would be riding a unicorn instead of a normal horse. She’s too magical for such mundane animals.

Following the order, I pretend to gallop outside. The minute I’m outside, the group turns my way. Since Star is the only child here, she garners everyone’s attention easily. Add in that I’m a pretty big guy, and we stand out.

Smith is sitting with Zach tucked into his side on the bench seat. Bailey and Kelvin are across the table from them. There’s food laid out on the table between them, the meal ready to enjoy. My brother is at the other end of the table, a beer in hand as he snaps a photo of my current predicament.

“Oh! I had no idea it was ready.”

“That’s why I came to get you, Tenn,” Star says as she reaches for her uncle. Corrin grabs her from my back, then eases her down beside her dad.

“I’m Tenn, gorgeous girl. That’s Austen. He’s the boring one,” comes from the smartass.

Star rolls her eyes dramatically. “How is a unicorn boring? You’re down there being lazy. Dad says laziness is a-whore’s-vent.”

I stumble over my own feet at hearing such a small child say whore with a firm tone. The table bursts into varying degrees of laughter. Star frowns, making it even more hilarious.
