Page 19 of Auctioned Virginity

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The large façade of a building stood further down to the left with the words Fun House curved over the top. Eerie music emanated from it, but I could hear laughs from those inside. I turned and noticed that Romero’s gaze was already locked on me. Gesturing toward it, I picked up my pace to get in the line forming. Romero nodded.

Our relationship was easy. I was able to talk to him about a lot of things, and in most cases he didn’t try to parent me. We trained hard, my determination to never be caught out by another group of bullies pushing me to my limits almost daily. The reality was that I was thankful he’d married my mom. She still hadn’t slipped back into her old habits and she looked happy, though these days she seemed a little distracted.

Stopping in line with only a handful of kids in front of me, I waited, looking out at all the other rides and activities. Boisterous laugh sounded behind me, but I didn’t look back.

“Look who it is,” one of the boys said, and I shut my eyes briefly. Brian.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw that the line was gone and the guy manning the gate was gesturing me in. Ignoring the boys behind me, I stalked forward, entering the fun house quickly in hopes that they wouldn’t follow.

But their steps were magnified by the tiny corridors. A gaudy checkered pattern covered the floor, the walls, and the ceiling to give the illusion that it all blended together. Their wicked laughs chased me, a game of pursuit that I didn’t want to play.

“Funny how Todd had to move away so suddenly last year, isn’t it?” Jared called. “The day after shoving you in a locker he just packs up and leaves.”

Their voices were close, but I managed to wind my way into the maze of mirrors. They contorted my body, making me tall or short, and reflecting me half a dozen times. I peered over my shoulder, spying their reflections enter the maze too. In my haste to escape I collided with one of the mirrors. Stumbling back, I winced. My brow was already bruised from training.

“It took us a while to figure out what made him leave so quickly,” Brian added.

My hands felt through the empty air to my left and front. I was certain I looked like a lunatic waving my arms to feel for any obstruction, but I didn’t want to risk another crash.

“It couldn’t have been the school. Todd’s father is a prominent lawyer,” Jared said in a low, taunting voice. “Your drug-addict mother doesn’t have the pull to drive anyone out.”

“Then it hit us.” Brian’s tone was one of mock surprise. “Your stepdaddy is a bigshot businessman. He’s wealthy. Rumor is he used to be a hitman.”

My heart thundered as a set of foam steps finally came into view. I climbed them on my hands and knees, ducking under the low ceiling. I didn’t know what they were talking about, but I knew Romero wasn’t a hitman. He didn’t have a single aggressive bone in his body that I’d ever seen. Controlled and skilled at hand-to-hand combat, yes, but never had he used it against anyone. That I’d seen, anyway.

“No one has heard from Todd, but his dad’s firm suddenly popped up in Maine a few months ago. It is odd, isn’t it?”

The next level held cylindrical bags suspended from the ceiling that I pushed my way through, trying to control my breathing.

In through the nose.

Out through the mouth.



Todd’s voice was far too close. My throat burned, but I couldn’t look back.

“Very odd,” Brian said directly to my right.

My head whipped in that direction, and I caught a glimpse of dark denim jeans pass me. Chest heaving, I finally said, “Or his dad got a great business opportunity and left unexpectedly. It happens, you know.”

Boyish laughter seemed to come from all directions. I spun, preparing for whatever cruel prank they intended to pull. All summer I’d spent convincing myself that I could relax, but I guess you could never fully escape anyone when you lived in the same town.

A heavy weight crashed into me from behind. My hands went out to catch me, but a swinging bag launched toward me instead, hitting me square in the jaw. Teeth clacking together loudly, I tumbled to the mat. A groan escaped me as I pushed myself up onto my hands.

A blur of black rushed toward me, then pain exploded on the side of my head. I crumbled back to the floor.

“What the hell?” I choked. My vision spun and I blinked, trying to clear the dots of color clouding it.

“You think you can get your stepdad to run people off just because you’re a bitch and no one can stand you?” Jared snapped, standing over me now.

I leapt to my feet, preparing for the next blow. Before he could react, I launched my fist into his face. It connected with a solid crack, sending him staggering back.

“You stupid cunt,” Brian snarled behind me. I whirled. His leg was already lifted, his foot catching me in the abdomen and sending me back into Jared. My lips parted on a silent cry. I couldn’t breathe, my lungs too stunned to draw in oxygen.

He chuckled, pushing me against him, one of his hands sliding to my breast and squeezing it.
