Page 27 of Auctioned Virginity

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The two sensed that I would be an easier client with some alcohol in his system. With seductive smiles, they began to dance. Of the two, I got the feeling the brunette with skin a shade darker than my own was the more adventurous, her fingers trailing down the redhead’s body.

They caught on to my interest and touched each other, grinding their bodies together as if the small, sparkly scraps of fabric they wore were nonexistent.

At least they could easily sell the image that they were lovers, which was good for my business.

The redhead dipped low, jutting her tiny ass out as she ran her hands up her companion’s long, lean legs. When her tongue came out to play, roving up the other girl’s belly, I felt my dick finally begin to stir.

“Kiss,” I demanded.

When a playful yet expectant look was shot my way by the bolder of the two, I pulled out my wallet and slapped six one-hundred-dollar bills onto the table.

They wasted no time sensually moving together, their tongues tasting and teasing the other until it was practically a full-on porno. Watching them make out quickly lost its allure when I imagined Julietta coming to work at an establishment like this, being commanded by jackasses like me.

“Enough.” I pulled out another wad of bills, knowing I was grossly overpaying the two women, and flicked it onto the table. I got to my feet, buttoning my suit jacket. They took the cash without complaint—most likely thinking my dismissal was so I could go jerk myself off in the bathroom. But unlike the majority of the men in this place, I was leaving with my cock woefully underwhelmed.

Part of it was due to the fact that I’d seen all this shit a hundred times over.

But the other—the part I so desperately wanted to ignore—was because my brain and my dick had one woman in mind for every dirty, salacious activity my depravity could conjure.

She’s a fucking kid, I reminded myself. Just because she’s legally an adult doesn’t mean it’s legal to pursue her.

Aaron noticed me summoning the waiter to put my shit away, and called, “Where the fuck are you going?”

He’d acquired the blonde I’d rejected, and she shook her ass like her life depended on it, eyes fixed on me as she did. As though she were trying to show me what I’d been missing out on.

“I have work to do,” I answered, not caring if he heard me. My vile mood had me telling the manager to fire the blonde before I got into my car and headed back through town.

At the penthouse office an hour later, I considered texting Julietta to let her know I wouldn’t be coming home, but stopped myself.

Setting my phone aside, I did the unthinkable.

My eyes fell shut, and I swigged the last of my cheaper whiskey. Picturing Julietta sauntering out in her underthings and heels, I tried to picture the way her petite body would move in time to a slow, sensual beat. Her fingers running through her hair, over her breasts, down her smooth belly, and lower.

In my fantasy, I protested that she shouldn’t be doing this, but her sweet, crystalline blue eyes locked on mine and she said, “I’m not a kid anymore, Romero.”

Then the scene changed, and she was bent over my kitchen table, glaring back at me with a defiance that made me painfully hard. “Go ahead, Daddy. Spank me.”

Fuck. Those words coming from her full, pink lips had nearly undone me then, and now, all I wanted to do was fill that sassy mouth with my dick, making her choke on it the way she had with her dildo.

My palm tingled, recalling the feel of her pert ass in my hand. I itched to spank it again. A dark, warped piece of me hoped she’d make me do it again. It’s like she knew that I couldn’t resist. It was dirty and wrong, but her sweet moans filled my head.

If only I’d pulled her pants down and sunk into her wet pussy when I’d had the chance…

Disgust rolled through me and the fantasy vanished.

She had been a little girl when I first came into her life. I promised to protect her. Even if that meant from myself.

I couldn’t sit in my office fisting my cock while picturing the beautiful, intelligent young woman that now lived under my roof, who also happened to be my late wife’s daughter.

No. I’d stay away until whatever sick perversion that had overtaken me had passed.

Chapter Fourteen


I’d snuck back to the house later that night, only to find Romero’s classic ’69 Mustang missing from the garage. Because no matter how much he pissed me off, I still had nowhere else to go without that money.

I planned to wait up for him so I could plead with him. But at past three, he still hadn’t returned, and I had a shift at the shoe shop in the morning. My eyes fell closed, too heavy to keep open any longer.
