Page 33 of Auctioned Virginity

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Outside, I climbed into my pitiful little Corolla and started the engine. After reversing out of the neatly paved drive, I cruised back into town, reminding myself to text Arie later and thank her for letting me crash.

When I arrived outside the quaint little church, I pulled up across the street and stared out the window, the engine idling. Romero was surrounded by a dozen people, his black suit, tawny skin, and dark hair painting him like an avenging angel. Especially when he turned and met my gaze. I swallowed hard, but I didn’t stay.

Speeding back toward the house, I knew I’d have an hour or two to get all my things together and get out before he returned. By then everything would be packed in my car and it would be too late to stop me, not that I thought he would.

I’d managed only two trips before the door slammed shut. A heavy gait strode straight through the house with purpose. I froze, peering over the large box. Romero paused at the end of the foyer and glanced into the living room. A muscle in his jaw ticked when our gazes collided.

“Going somewhere?” he asked.

“I don’t belong here anymore,” was my only answer as I went past him. Embarrassingly I struggled to open the front door on my own, but finally managed it and carried the box to my car. He stood in the same place, his back expanding with heavy breaths.

“There’s something I need you to sign, actually.” I brought out the folded title deed from my back pocket and attempted to smooth it.

His eyes were wide. “Julietta.”

The softly spoken word didn’t match the…well, quite frankly, I didn’t know what the hell kind of emotion I was seeing from him. Desperation? It quickly morphed, however. His brows slanted down, lips pressed in a hard line.

“This is the last thing I’ll need from you ever. I just can’t have the car title in my name without your signature as well.”

He glanced down at the paper as though it might catch flames at any moment. “Where will you go? You can’t rent an apartment at sixteen.”

I nervously shifted my weight from one foot to the other. “I’ll crash with Arie as long as I can. Some hotels don’t ask questions. I’ll figure it out.”

Romero shook his head. “Don’t do this, Julietta. You don’t have to leave. This house is yours even without her in it.”

I gave a bitter laugh. “My existence here was purely for legality.”

His gaze darkened further, though I wasn’t sure how that was possible. “That’s not true and you know it.” He stepped closer, and my heart pounded. “She may have been lost but she loved you.”

My scoff erupted from me before I could stop it. “Maybe she loved me, but she loved the drugs more.”

Romero reached for me, causing me to step back. We watched each other for several moments before his eyes lowered to the paper still clutched in my hand. Slowly, I extended it out to him, praying he wouldn’t take it and shred it.

When he didn’t, I let my shoulders relax. His gaze stayed locked on mine as he pulled a pen from his jacket pocket. He glanced down to briefly go over the document, then scrawled his signature near mine.

He handed back the title, but whipped it away just before I could grab it. “I know you think this is what you have to do. You’re an independent girl, but if you ever want to or need to return, the door is always open to you. No explanation necessary. I just want you to be safe.”

“Just like you kept her safe?” I didn’t mean to say the words aloud. Regret filled me instantly when his throat bobbed.

My eyes shut and I exhaled roughly. “Goodbye, Romero.”

I walked toward the foyer, pausing when I heard his rumbled reply.

“Never goodbye, Julietta.”

Chapter Sixteen


The entire bus ride home, I held the slip of paper, staring down at the scrawled writing that very clearly belonged to a man. If I were a little braver, I’d have already called Kieran to accept. Hell, I’d have gone straight to the hotel without another thought.

Instead, my gut twisted itself into a mess. Because if I dealt with Kieran directly, I’d have control of the money. Not Romero.

He wouldn’t even know I’d done it until after I was long gone since he was so busy avoiding me.

I could do it.

Kieran was sexy as sin. Experienced.
