Page 96 of Auctioned Virginity

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A knock came at the door. Then it opened slightly, Kieran’s face popping through the gap. His gaze roamed over me, eyes warming, before locking on Arie. His expression turned blazing, and the small noise she made in the back of her throat made him blink, seeming to bring him back to himself. “You ready?” he asked.

My heart shot up into my throat, every inch of my body suddenly hot.

If I opened my mouth, I was sure I’d vomit everywhere, so I simply nodded. Arie squeezed my hand, and then she was pulling me toward the door before pushing my bouquet of peonies into my hands.

Soft music reached my ears. The little beachside cabin poured out to a sandy path lined with small tealight candles. Pale petals were scattered ahead, leading the way.

The sky was painted with the most exquisite shades of pink, purple, orange, and yellow, the sun dipping into the ocean.

My toes sank into the warm grains of sand as I stepped out. Inhaling slowly, I took another step. Then another.

Arie rounded the side of the cabin, disappearing from view. Anticipation thrummed through me, and I forced myself to keep an even pace. Part of me wondered if I should feel sad that my father wasn’t walking beside me, but my heart only held one emotion: excitement.

When I cleared the edge of the cabin, my breath caught.

Stretching out before me was the wild, majestic ocean, the glittering water reflecting the sun, making it look as though the water burned.

Standing beneath an arch decorated with twisting vines, tiny white flowers sprouting from the dark branches, were two men.

One was Aaron, who was legally able to officiate, and the other…

My heart stuttered and I nearly tripped over myself at how stunning Romero looked. With the light behind him, his ruggedly handsome features were accentuated by shadows. His unfathomably dark eyes seemed to burn from within. His gaze fell on me, and I was entranced in it.

He summoned me toward him with little more than a smile, every other detail fading into my periphery.

When I stopped in front of him, he lifted his hand, thumb rubbing my cheek. “You are a goddess, Julietta,” he whispered.

I wanted to kiss him right then, but refrained, sending him a wink. “Not too bad yourself.”

Romero’s grin was as heated as his gaze, and it did all sorts of inappropriate things to my body considering this was a wedding.

“We gather here today to bear witness to the union of this lucky-ass motherfucker”—the small group surrounding us laughed, and Romero smirked—“and this badass chick.”

The words were lost to my ears as I gazed at the man I loved. Unconventional as it was, I couldn’t help but drown in the hurricane that was Romero. He came into my life as a friend and became my savior, until he taught me to be my own hero.

Our attraction came fast, and it had swept us away before we knew what was happening. But I wouldn’t change a single thing.

“I do.” Romero’s deep timbre snapped me out of my thoughts and back to the present.

“And do you, Julietta Collez, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Aaron directed his question at me, repeating his spiel.

I nodded, then remembered I had to actually speak. “I do.”

Aaron leaned toward me, his voice low. “You sure, kiddo?”

I bristled at the choice of name, but Romero punched his shoulder, making me feel better. Aaron chuckled, rubbing it as he straightened. Romero and I exchanged rings, the excitement of what came next building into a crescendo.

“Alright then. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can kiss your bride.”

Romero didn’t waste another second, holding my head delicately as his lips brushed against mine. The electric sensation of his mouth on mine went straight between my thighs and I rose on my tiptoes, deepening the kiss. People cheered and clapped, spurring us on.

My fingers twined into his hair, my nipples hardening. Romero growled and I felt it everywhere. Our tongues tangled and he nipped my bottom lip, giving me a glimpse of just how ready he was to get our honeymoon started.

Ugh, but we have to wait.

“Alright, this is getting downright dirty,” Kieran said roughly, though at least he sounded partly amused. I pulled away and blushed hard, unable to trust that I wouldn’t climb Romero’s body right here.

Everyone rushed in at once, strong bodies pulling me into a hug then passing me to the next. At last, Arie wrapped her arms around me and I squeezed her back.
