Page 20 of Seize

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But he stared directly at me. No flinching. No screwing up his nose at the idea of having to be the club’s bitch.

“I’m willing to put in the time to earn everyone’s trust. I’m a hard worker and don’t mind starting at the bottom.”

My chair scraped the wooden floors as I pushed it back and got to my feet. “Good. Because once you prove yourself and your loyalty to these men and get that patch, there is nothing these men won’t do for you. This brotherhood is second to none. Our family… the fucking strongest. You just have to earn your place in it.”

Rafe swallowed hard and got to his feet. “I won’t disappoint either of you.”

I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was a little after six o’clock, and I needed to get moving. “I’m heading out with Hawk soon,” I told Blue as I grabbed my cell phone and keys from the kitchen counter. Both men followed me toward the front door. “We’ll do the vote at church in a week.”

The three of us walked down the front stairs to where Blue’s old truck sat next to my Harley. They climbed in, and I stepped up to Blue’s window. “In the next week, you need to get him introduced to all the boys, make sure he gets to know them, so when we vote next week, no one has a reason to be unsure that he deserves this chance.”

Blue nodded and started the engine. “I’ll get on it, Prez.”

I followed them down the driveway as he backed out onto the road, his shitty fucking truck leaving a cloud of smoke billowing as he pulled off down the street. It was an old Chevy and Blue’s pride and joy. He’d built it from scratch, but it still needed a lot of work.

Swiping my hand in front of my face to try and get some fresh air, I walked across the road to Hawk and Missy’s house. It was the fourth night since Evan Hersh had walked into the bar and asked me to find his daughter. We’d had men out for a few hours every night since then, and we still had no fucking leads.

I couldn’t waste my time on the search forever when no one was even talking, not a soul recognizing her or at least not that they wanted to say so.

I had to consider that she could already be dead, or there was a hell of a lot more to this story that we hadn’t been told. Both options had me concerned.

Hawk sat on his front steps, a beer in his hand as he watched me approach. “You ready to go or what?”

“We’re gonna have to wait ten minutes or so,” he said as I leaned against the banister at the bottom and kicked one ankle over the other. “Missy got called in for a shift, and Kadey’s babysitter wasn’t available.”

“You call Whip or Boon to come look after her?”

Those two were our current prospects.

Whip’s year would be up in a couple of months, and I anticipated he’d patch straight in with no issues. The kid was smart—street and book. Boon was a little newer, about halfway through his prospecting time and still needed a bit of work.

And a lot of common sense.

Hawk shook his head and nodded to the street just as Calli’s car pulled in and parked at the curb—not Calli’s car, Shay’s car. At least, it was while Calli was away. “Shay texted Missy a couple of days ago and said she’d take any extra hours behind the bar or doing whatever ’cause she needed the money. So she’s here to babysit.”

Calli and Shay had helped out at the bar a handful of times since they moved up from Pennsylvania, mostly when there were large sporting events, and we were run off our feet.

Nurses weren’t paid near what they deserved, but I knew she was at least making above average. Was she having problems with debt? Bills?

Did she have some secret addiction that was sucking it all away?

“Hey.” Shay trudged up the driveway, a backpack tossed over her shoulder. “Sorry I took so long. I got here as quick as I could.”

“Don’t be sorry. I’m the one who called with no notice,” Hawk told her as he got to his feet, tilting his beer vertically to get the last few drops out of the bottle. “I’m just gonna say bye to Kadey, then I’ll be ready to head out.”

He ducked back inside, and Shay paused beside me at the bottom of the stairs, dumping her backpack on the steps with a hard thud.

“The fuck do you have in there? Bricks?” I questioned with one brow raised. “You and Kadey planning some kind of smash-and-grab I should be aware of?”

Still slightly out of breath from carrying whatever was in there up the driveway, she let out an airy laugh and took a seat on the staircase. “Yeah. We’re going to hit the CVS and steal all the feminine hygiene products.”

I swear this woman surprised me with something new every time I saw her. “That’s an interesting choice.”

“Then we’re gonna drive down Main Street, tossing them out the window like modern-day Robin Hoods. Steal from the rich, give to the women!”

I couldn’t hold back my smile. Her enthusiasm, though completely overdramatized, was infectious. “While your crusade is admirable, getting Kadey’s criminal record started early is not something I’m sure her mother will be on board with.”

She sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. And Missy is pretty damn scary.” She reached over and unzipped the bag, holding it open so I could see the weights piled inside. “Lucky my backup plan is just to finish the workout I was doing when Hawk called and asked me to come over.”
