Page 94 of Seize

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Nothing was about to stand between me and getting my woman back.

Not the valet.

Not Vince.

Not even the fucking devil himself could keep me from her.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Vince dug his fingers into my cheeks, forcing my mouth open.

I jerked.

And kicked.

Using the last bit of energy left in me, I struggled against him, but it was pointless. He tipped the pills into my mouth and quickly forced it closed while pinching my nose.

They were bitter, the foul taste absolutely nauseating, but there was nothing I could do at that point. There was no choice but to swallow them, and he waited, his body pressing down on me as I forced them painfully down my throat.

When he was satisfied, he let me go, wiping the sweat from his brow as he climbed off my body and grabbed the upended chair from the floor. I gasped, fighting for air and gagging on every breath.

Five pills.

That’s what I thought I’d felt go down. I tried to do the math. He’d taken them from Jason. I knew for sure Jason wouldn’t have had anything below the highest dose, eighty milligrams of oxycodone. Considering my tolerance was at zero, one or two of those would be enough to knock me out completely.


That would kill me.

Vince’s phone began to ring, and he pulled it from his pocket, pushing his shoulders back and standing a little taller as he answered. “Yeah, of course… she’s right here waiting for you…”

This was it. It was the guy, and I could see that the deal made Vince feel important, superior, and probably like he was on top of the world. But there was a final spark of fight inside me. I’d spent too many years being a victim. That wasn’t me anymore. I was a survivor, and I was going to bring Vince crashing back down to earth.

“Uh-huh… we’re in Room 614… okay, see you in ten minutes.”

He hung up, and the laugh that suddenly burst from my mouth startled him, making him jump. “Jesus Christ, no wonder your father never trusted you to do anything,” I taunted, aware that I had only minutes, maybe fifteen if I was lucky. I needed to plant a seed of doubt and fear within his mind and hope like hell my acting skills were good enough to make it believable before it was too late.

“The hell are you talking about?” he questioned dismissively while he tapped away at his phone screen.

I licked my lips and let my eyes fall closed, just for a moment, before forcing them open again. Playing dazed wasn’t hard because, with two blows to the head, I was already fighting the darkness at the back of my eyelids.

“Five of those pills is enough to kill a grown maa… mann…” I slurred, trying to make it authentic but not dramatic. “In abooout… five minutes, I’ll be… deaaa… dead. And when your friend gets here, so weee… will you for not havi… ing the girl you owed him.”

I managed to force out a witchy cackle purely for effect, the coughing fit I had after really reinforcing my words.

The way his eyes widened was almost worth the pain I was in. It was pure fear.

He believed me, which he should because while I’d embellished a few details, I wasn’t exactly lying. Those pills could kill me if I didn’t work quickly, but I simply was not ready to accept that as a result.

He shook his head vigorously. “No.” He clutched his cell phone tightly, his eyes flicking down, then back up to me, then down again. “I just… I thought… they were just meant to calm you down. Make you sleep, maybe. You’re lying!” I could see the cogs turning and grinding, the dots connecting.

He was scared of this guy—he’d made that absolutely fucking clear. Since Vince had already told him what room we were in and he was already on his way here, possibly already in the hotel, he had only minutes to make a choice. Even if I was lying and the pills weren’t as toxic as I claimed, was he willing to risk hanging around when this asshole showed up, and all he had to offer was a dead girl?

Especially after he’d already obviously told him I wasn’t the first girl this guy had been promised.

Or even the second.
