Page 97 of Seize

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I was taking Shay home with me.

There was no fucking other option.

She grabbed a plastic card and swiped it through a machine before grabbing a cell phone from the desk and leaping to her feet. She ran around the left side of the desk and headed for the elevators. “Come on!” she called back over her shoulder. Rafe and I glanced at each other in shock before we finally hurried to join her.

“You don’t have to—”

“Yes, I do,” she cut in as we waited for the elevator doors to open. “Women are meant to look out for other women, and I saw that something wasn’t quite right, but I didn’t do anything, and now…”

The doors dinged and slid open. The three of us stepped inside.

Rafe held out his hand, a grin on his face. “My name’s Rafe,” he announced, then pointed across to me. “That’s Bishop.”

“Natalie.” She took his hand timidly, though her eyes met mine. “She’s important to you?”

I nodded once. “Very.”

That was all I was able to say without my emotions getting the better of me, and I ended up destroying the whole fucking hotel. I needed to keep my head straight. Stay calm.

I was no help to Shay if I went off like an atomic bomb and demolished us all.

The elevator doors slowly began to ease shut. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught movement and turned just in time to see a face.

A familiar fucking face.

Vince paused outside the elevator, his eyes wide in shock as he looked back at me.

The doors closed, and I launched myself at the keypad. I slammed my palm against the open-door button, my heart leaping out of my chest.

Rafe gasped. “Was that—”

“Yeah. Get to the room!” I ordered, slamming my fist against the doors as I frantically pressed the damn button. “I need to catch him in case he’s got Shay somewhere else!”

The moment my body could fit through the small space, I squeezed out between the two metal doors, staggering back into the lobby and spinning, searching for Vince. Finally, I spotted him running further into the building, away from the front doors.

He stumbled and slammed into a swinging door across the room. I was already powering after him as he disappeared inside, every single inch of my skin tingling as my blood began to pump furiously through my veins.

I hit the same door just seconds later, slamming my palms against it as it swung back at me. It opened into a stairwell, the sounds inside amplified tenfold, pounding footsteps and people talking assaulting my senses.

Grabbing the banister, I peered over the side just in time to catch sight of another door a floor below ease shut. I couldn’t let him get away.

Sprinting down, I burst through that door and into the hotel’s underground parking lot. The hotel had valets, so they were the only ones who came down here to park and retrieve cars. The place was almost silent.

I pulled my gun from the back of my jeans and, one step at a time, walked out, my eyes scanning cars and the spaces between them, searching for some kind of clue. A reflection. A movement.

Vince wasn’t calm. He was panicking. He was going to slip up.

“Might as well come out!” I called, my voice echoing within the large concrete dungeon. “I’ve got men upstairs and outside.”


Though, hopefully, I would have soon because it was sure as hell not going to be easy to get this shit for brains out of here without making a scene. I was going to need all the help I could get. Preferably sooner rather than later because the second I got my hands on him, it was going to take every bit of mental strength I had not to put a bullet through his skull the second he popped up.

Like in that carnival game where you shoot the ducks.

“I didn’t mean to kill her.”

I spun around just as he stepped out from behind a car, gun in his hand pointed directly at me, though it was shaky. Mine was not as I lifted my gun and instantly lined up my shot so my barrel was pointed directly at his head.
