Page 99 of Seize

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I grabbed his shirt, lifting him off the ground and driving my fist into his face.

Over. And over. And ov—

“Bishop!” Hands grabbed me, fighting to pull me back, but I hit him with one final swing before I finally allowed them to drag me away. Vince’s body hit the ground with a lifeless thump. “Bishop, look at me.”

I blinked a couple of times, my chest heaving as I finally turned my head to find Blue and Cain, their hands in the air as if they were trying to calm a vicious animal that had just attacked while Cash made quick work of zip-tying Vince’s hands behind his back.

“Come on. Take this off,” Blue urged, tugging at my shirt. “We need to swap so you can hide that graze and go with them. They’re waiting.”



I pulled my shirt off over my head, wincing and looking down at the offending injury.

“Fucking hell,” I cursed. “Asshole actually got me.”

One of the bullets he’d fired had skimmed my shoulder, taking a small but, as I was suddenly realizing now that the rush was wearing off the painful slice out of the skin.

Blue took my shirt while thrusting his at me. “Put it on. We don’t need any more questions today about shots being fired when you get to the hospital.”

I slipped it on, almost autonomously, my head a little in the clouds as the shock began to set in. “I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

Right at that moment, the only thing I wanted to do was take to the bastard lying on the ground in front of me and make him feel every little bit of pain surging through my chest in that moment.

“Not for you,” Blue insisted, pulling a bandana from his back pocket and lifting my sleeve. He tied it over the gash in my arm, and I gritted my teeth as he pulled it tight to keep it from bleeding. “The EMTs are with Shay. They’re gonna bring her down soon and load her into the ambulance to take her to the hospital. We told them we’d find you so you can go with her.”

The fire burning in my chest eased a little, the world around me coming back into focus through the thick fog. “She’s okay?”

“Rafe said they Narcan’d her,” he answered with a heavy sigh. “But she’s alive.”

I raced toward the stairwell door, pausing as I grabbed the handle. “Can you—”

“I swear to God, old man, if you don’t get the fuck out of here and be with your woman, we’re gonna have a problem,” Blue cut in, not one to usually speak to me like that, but he was fucking right. I would have said the same. “We will gather up this trash pile and talk about what we’re going to do with it later.”

I nodded, looking back at the bastard on the ground who’d tried his best to destroy me and everything I fucking cared about.

“I already know,” I answered confidently. “We’re gonna burn it.”

Chapter Forty


Bishop leaned against the wall beside my hospital bed, shooting a death stare across the room at Detective Moore, who had spent the past twenty minutes grilling me about every detail of my abduction.

She wanted to know how Jason had snatched me from the side of the road and about Jason giving me to Vince, who had put a bullet in his head as thanks and proceeded to force me to go to a hotel with him, intent on selling me.

She’d been reasonably considerate of the fact I had a concussion and almost died of an overdose, making sure to take the questions slowly and not push for answers I couldn’t remember. Still, if I hadn’t already expelled everything in my stomach, reliving the past few hours would have done the trick.

“And you have no idea where Vince went after he ran out of the room?” Detective Moore asked, scribbling into her notepad.

Bishop grunted, and she shot him a narrowed glare before returning her attention to me. “Honestly, I was just trying to survive. I imagine he would have gotten as far away as possible. He was scared I was dead, and this person he was meant to meet was going to hurt him for not having the girl he’d promised them.”

Detective Moore took a moment to write a few more notes before she finally flipped the pad closed and tucked it into her back pocket. “Thank you, Shay, you’ve been very helpful. We will keep in touch if we need more details from you.”

I forced a smile. “Sure.”

Then, just when I thought the detective would head out, she turned to Bishop.
