Page 59 of Shadow Beasts

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The car barreled toward her, and Paige squeezed her eyes shut as she anticipated her final moments on Earth.

A screech rang out in the night air, and the scent of burning rubber wafted past her nostrils. With ragged breaths, she slowly opened her eyes. Inches from her thigh, the bumper of a large black SUV shook as the driver climbed from the seat.

“You okay?” the driver shouted over the still-running engine.

Paige stared down at her body for a moment, wondering what the answer to the woman’s question was. After a moment, she choked out, “Y-y-yeah.”

“What the hell were you doing in the middle of the street?” the driver demanded.

Paige licked her lips as she stumbled toward the center line to retrieve her glasses. She brushed off any dirt, her fingers catching only a few scratches on the plastic frames, and slid them onto her face. “I tripped on the sidewalk and fell. I lost my glasses. I was–“

“Be careful next time,” the woman barked at her, climbing back behind the wheel of the large vehicle.

The car shifted, and tires squealed as the woman tore off down the street, leaving a stunned Paige still standing in the middle of the road.

Paige pressed her lips together as she adjusted her tote’s straps on her shoulder, cringing as the worn bands rubbed against the scratches on her palm. She made her way back to the sidewalk, her gaze settling on the opening to the alley.

Moments ago, she’d thought she was being followed. The notion distracted her enough that it caused her to trip in the first place, sending her sprawling into the street and nearly making her roadkill.

Anyone following her could have easily slipped away in the commotion of the near collision. She eyed the alley for another moment before she forced her feet to move away from the library and toward the SmartMart.

The twenty-four-hour shopping spot should have everything on her list. She mentally plotted her course through the store, hoping to get in and out as quickly as possible and back to the library.

Dewey’s words echoed in her mind as she glanced both ways before crossing the street. She had weeks to live. Still, she couldn’t escape the sense of urgency. It forced her to a pace that caused her to pant for breath.

A noise sounded behind her, and Paige ceased walking, whipping her head around to study the empty street. At this time of night, few people wandered in this area of town.

What had she heard? Was it the stalker she’d thought she’d perceived earlier?

A bat fluttered around over a street lamp, diving around to eat the bugs that buzzed near the light. It must have been the source of the noise she’d heard.

With a shake of her head, she continued along the nearly empty streets. The news of her imminent demise must have put her on edge. Every noise rattled her. Every shadow gave her pause.

She needed to get herself together. She had more important things to worry about, ranging from fixing her own health to retrieving a mirror that, if they lost it, would ruin the world.

She arrived at the SmartMart a few moments later and wrangled a cart from the line. Its wheels wobbled, and one spun in an endless search for the floor. After pushing it two feet, she ditched it and tried another.

This one worked as expected, and she pulled the list from her hoodie pocket. As she navigated through the store, she added items to her cart.

While she browsed the selection of gauze bandages, a shrill ringing sounded. Paige crinkled her brow and glanced upward, wondering if it was some sort of fire alarm or store alarm.

She ignored it, and it ceased after a moment. She returned her narrowed eyes to the bandage selection. With two boxes selected, she flicked her gaze between the features of each when the ringing sounded again.

Paige’s gaze shot upward, scanning the air for the source. “What is that?”

“I think you’re ringing,” a voice said from behind her.

Paige leapt into the air, one of the bandage boxes clattering to the ground.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Devon said, a grin showcasing his dimples. He bent forward, swiped the box from the floor, then handed it back to her. “Something happen?”

Paige stared into his dark eyes before her own slid down to his stubbly, chiseled chin.

“Paige?” he asked.

“Huh?” she questioned.

“The bandages. You okay? Did something happen?”
