Page 100 of Professor Daddies

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“Spill,” she says gently, her brown eyes locked on mine.

My heart races, a drumbeat loud in my chest. “I’m dating them, Cal. All three.”

“Wait—what?” Her eyebrows shoot up, shock etched on her face for a split second before it shifts into something else. “The professors? That’s…wow.”

“Wow good or wow bad?” The words tumble out, laced with anxiety.

“Definitely wow good.” A grin spreads across her face, mischief sparking in her gaze. “Sexy even. Tell me everything.”

I let out a shaky laugh, relief mingling with fear. “It’s crazy, right?”

“Definitely crazy.” Callie leans forward, elbows on her knees. “But hot.”

My fingers tremble as I pull out the letter, unfolding its creases with hands that don’t want to cooperate. The paper crackles under my touch, a sharp sound in Callie’s silent living room.

“Look at this.” My voice is barely a whisper as I hand it over.

Callie’s eyes scan the words quickly, and her playful spark vanishes like smoke. “Brie, this is serious.”

I nod, swallowing hard. “I know.”

“Who could have put this in your bag?” Her voice is steady, but her knuckles whiten where they grip the letter.

“I have no idea. It could be anyone.” A shiver runs down my spine as I glance around the room, half expecting the walls themselves to hold answers.

“Okay, think. What are you going to do?” She leans back, the letter now lying forgotten on the coffee table.

I wrap my arms around myself, hugging tight. “I don’t know. I really don’t know, Cal.”

She chews on her lip, thinking. “Maybe…maybe you should tell your dad.”

My heart skips a beat. “Tell him? How can I?”

“It might not be as bad as you think. He cares about you.” She reaches out, taking my hand.

“Or he’ll disown me,” I say, the words tasting like ash.

“Your dad loves you, Brie. He wants what’s best for you.” She squeezes my hand, offering strength I’m not sure I possess.

“Callie, he’s friends with them. With all of them.” I stare at the floor, the carpet blurring through unshed tears. “This could ruin everything.”

“Then we need to figure out who sent this.” Her voice is firm now, decisive. “Before it goes any further.”

“Right.” I let out a shaky breath. “We will. We have to.”

A swirling pit forms in my stomach, a churning mess of fear and dread. My palms are slick against the fabric of my jeans, and I can’t get enough air into my lungs.

“Callie, I—I can’t breathe,” I gasp, my voice thin and reedy.

“Hey, hey, Brie, look at me.” Callie’s face is a blur as she guides my gaze to hers. “You need to slow down your breathing.”

But it’s like trying to hold back the tide with my bare hands. The room spins, and I’m on my feet before I even realize I’ve moved. I stagger, almost tripping over the edge of the rug as I beeline for the bathroom. The door slams behind me with a thud that echoes in the small space.

I barely make it to the toilet before it happens. My body convulses, and I’m heaving, the bitter taste of bile stinging my throat. The harsh sound fills the room, over and over, until there’s nothing left but the hollow ache in my gut and the tremble in my limbs.

I collapse onto the cold tiles, the chill seeping through my clothes, grounding me, if only just a little. The nausea lingers, a constant reminder of the chaos unraveling inside me.

Sitting on the tiles, I draw in shaky breath after shaky breath. The coolness against my skin is a stark contrast to the heat flaming my cheeks. Callie’s hand rests lightly on my back, her touch steady and calming.
