Page 110 of Professor Daddies

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“Sit down, make yourself at home,” Grayson says, pointing to the plush couch that looks like it could swallow my anxieties whole.

“Can I get you anything?” Levi asks, gesturing toward the kitchen, where the clink of dishes suggests a recent meal. His brow furrows slightly, always concerned, always caring.

“Water would be great, thanks,” I manage, easing onto the couch, the cushions embracing me softly.

“Sure thing.” Levi nods before padding off to the kitchen, his movements precise and efficient.

“Doing okay?” Conrad inquires, his gaze intense, searching, as he perches on the edge of the coffee table in front of me.

“Getting there,” I admit, allowing myself a small smile that doesn’t quite reach my eyes.

With these three by my side, maybe, just maybe, things are looking up.

I take a sip of the water Levi hands me, the cool liquid doing little to quench the knot of unease lodged in my throat. The glass clinks back onto the table, my fingers tapping an anxious rhythm against its sides.

“Thank you for this…for letting me crash here.” My voice is a hushed murmur, eyes skimming over the trio who’ve become my unexpected sanctuary. “It’s just…a lot to process. You know, with everything that’s happened with my dad.”

Grayson nods, his lips pressed in a thin line of understanding, while Levi leans against the kitchen doorframe, arms folded, offering a silent nod. They get it; they always do.

Conrad’s eyes twinkle with mischief as he leans closer, his warmth radiating like a beacon in the chill of my doubts. “Brielle,” he starts, his voice low and teasing, “there are ways we could…distract you from everything.” His eyebrows dance suggestively, a silent invitation hanging between us.

A laugh bubbles up from my chest, surprising even myself. It’s light, a fleeting escape from the heaviness that’s been suffocating me. I shake my head, but there’s a smile tugging at my lips now, partly because of Conrad’s unabashed flirtation, partly because these moments feel like a life raft amidst the storm.

I bite my lip, considering Conrad’s sly suggestion. The air is thick with a mix of tension and amusement. Grayson shifts in his seat, a frown creasing his brow.

“Can we even—?” he starts, hesitating as if weighing his words. “I mean, with the baby and all…is sex safe?”

Levi rolls his eyes so hard I worry they might get stuck that way. “You’re such an idiot, Grayson.” He strides over, confidence in each step. “Of course it’s safe. Pregnant women aren’t made of glass.”

My cheeks heat at the blunt talk. They’re talking about me as though I’m not here, or maybe because I am. Levi’s gaze meets mine, and there’s a hint of apology there before he turns back to the others.

“Besides,” he continues, a half smile playing on his lips, “Brielle should probably see an ob-gyn anyway. You know, just for regular checkups.”

I blink, surprised. “You sound like you know what you’re talking about.”

“Well, I have gone through this once before, before Amelia was born,” he reminds me. “And—” There’s a glint of pride in his eyes. “I thought about going into medicine once, considered being a doctor.” He says it casually, but it’s a revelation that adds layers to the man I thought I knew.

“Really?” I can’t help the intrigue lacing my tone.

“Yep.” Levi nods, a wistful look crossing his features for just a moment. “Life had other plans, though.” His admission hangs in the air, an unspoken bond tethering us through shared vulnerability.

I nod slowly, taking in Levi’s unexpected depth. “Sex could help, then? To feel…better?” The words tumble out before I can censor them, raw and honest.

“Absolutely,” Conrad chimes in, his voice a low purr that sends a shiver down my spine. He steps closer, the hunger in his eyes unmistakable.

“Distraction can be therapeutic,” Levi adds, his tone serious yet enticing, as if he’s prescribing me a dose of pleasure.

Grayson is silent, but his gaze is heavy on me, intense and warm like a blanket wrapping around my shoulders. In their own ways, each one is reaching out, offering comfort, connection.

My heart thrums, a rapid beat echoing the mounting tension in the room. It’s as though the air thickens, charged with electricity. We’re magnets, pulled by a force too strong to resist.

I stand, my movements fluid, instinctive. The space between us evaporates as they gravitate toward me, a constellation orbiting its star. Each touch, each look, fuels the fire that’s been smoldering under my skin since I stepped into this new, unpredictable world.

“Then let’s not think about anything else,” I whisper, giving voice to the desire that’s clawing at my insides, desperate for release.

Their nods are simultaneous, a silent agreement that speaks volumes. Levi’s hand finds mine, squeezing gently. Grayson’s fingers trail along my arm, igniting sparks. And Conrad—bold, unashamed Conrad—rests his palm against the small of my back, drawing me closer.

Everything else fades away, leaving only us, the hunger, and the promise of oblivion in each other’s arms.
