Page 26 of Professor Daddies

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“Oh, I’ll show you, all right.”

“Right here?” The question falls from her mouth like an indulgent morsel, and I’m starved for a taste.

The room’s pulse fades to a murmur as I pull back just enough to lock onto her gaze. “This isn’t the place,” I breathe, my voice low, almost growling with restraint. “It’d be rude really, to have a taste of you and not share.”

Her lips part. “Then where?” Brielle whispers, her question a silken thread pulling me taut.

“Tell me…” I start, pausing to savor the heat radiating from her. “What are you doing later tonight?”

“Nothing,” she replies, a flicker of surprise in her eyes giving way to understanding. “I don’t have any plans.”

“Good.” A smirk plays on my lips, and I lean closer, so close I can count the golden flecks in her wide, expectant eyes. “Because now you do.”

The implication hangs heavy between us, thick and undeniable. Brielle’s breath hitches, and I feel her pulse quicken beneath my fingers still resting possessively on her chin.

“Conrad…” The way she says my name is like velvet against bare skin—intimate, filled with want and need.

I’ll make sure she’s not disappointed.



Why can’t I get her off my mind?

I lean back in the chair in my home office, in the large townhome I share with my best friends. My fingers tap a restless rhythm on the wood, each beat a silent admission of my fixation on the dean’s daughter. The thought of having sex with any other girl feels as enticing as a shot of lukewarm whiskey—bland and utterly forgettable. It’s her or it’s nothing at all.

Damn, what has she done to me?

“Grayson, man, you look like you’re solving the world’s problems over there.” Conrad’s voice slices through my thoughts as he strides into the room with an air of something unfamiliar about him. “It’s Friday night,” he announces, his grin as sharp as the edge of a knife. “Why aren’t we out on the prowl?”

I glance up at him, seeing the gleam in his eyes, that unmistakable thrill of the chase. Once upon a time, that same excitement surged in my veins, but now it’s like chasing a high I know I won’t reach—not without her.

“I’m not really in the mood.” I shrug, sitting back further in the chair.

“Is there something on your mind?” He smirks at me devilishly. “Or, rather someone? Brielle, maybe?”

“When you say it, it sounds worse.”

“Maybe because you’re caught up in a girl you’ve only fucked once.”

“Oh, yeah, let’s pretend like you don’t want to get in her pants again.”

His eyebrows shoot up, surprise etching his features for a fleeting second before he schools them back into the nonchalance I’ve come to expect from him. He leans back against the doorframe, arms crossed, the picture of ease that belies the keen interest in his gaze.

We’ve been at this game for years, Conrad and I—side by side, chasing thrills, reveling in the company of women whose names we barely remember the next morning. It’s been an unspoken agreement, a mutual craving for pleasure without the mess of emotions. We share moments, not hearts. Laughter, not love. I glance at him, finding an amused spark in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of our history.

“Remember that night in Vegas?” he offers, the corner of his mouth turning up. “Three women, one suite, and not a single care in the world.”

“Except for the hangover,” I add with a smirk.

“Price worth paying,” he asserts with a shrug.

Conrad leans back, the leather of the couch creaking under him. “I’ve got something lined up with Brielle,” he says, a sly grin playing on his lips.

“An arrangement?” I can’t help the spike in my pulse.

“Nothing serious, just some…mutual benefits.” He tilts his head, studying me with eyes that know too much. “She agreed to one more night in exchange for keeping the whole thing quiet.”
