Page 8 of Professor Daddies

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Why do his words fill me with heat down there?

I shake my head quickly. “I don’t have anyone I’d even want to tell.”

“Good girl.” The approval in Grayson’s voice is dark chocolate—rich, sinful—and I shiver. I feel him smile against my skin as he goes in for a taste.

And oh, how I want to be devoured.

“I’m not here to spectate,” Conrad comments. “I’m not going to miss out on sky sex. Do whatever you want, Levi, just know you’re missing out.”

I watch, heart hammering against my rib cage, as Levi’s eyes darken with an unreadable emotion. He doesn’t move, but the air around us thickens with his indecision.

Do I want him to join? Would it make me a slut if I did?

For a moment, I wonder if he’ll walk away, but then Conrad shifts closer to me, his proximity drawing my attention.

“Isn’t that right, Brielle?” Conrad’s hand finds my cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray lock of hair. The contact is electric, sending heat between my thighs.

“Y-Yes,” I stutter, amazed by my own audacity. The word feels like a key, unlocking doors I never knew existed within me.

My mind whirls, racing with thoughts I can barely grasp. I’m a virgin, yet here I am, about to indulge in the fantasies of more than one man. I’ve always been the good girl, the wallflower. But now, I’m the center of their universe, the object of their collective desire. It’s overwhelming, terrifying, and achingly seductive all at once.

“Look at her.” Conrad’s voice is low and laced with an ownership that shouldn’t thrill me—but it does. “Ready to bloom under our touch.”

“Please,” I whisper, even if I’m not fully sure what it is I’m asking for.

“Are you sure?” Grayson asks, his voice a velvet caress against my earlobe. “This will be the last time we ask.”

“More than anything,” I breathe out, and it’s the truth. I want this—I want them—with a ferocity that startles me.

“Good.” Conrad grins, a predator baring his teeth before the feast. “Because there’s no going back now.”

Grayson’s lips find the tender flesh of my neck, and I can’t suppress the shiver that ripples through me. His mouth moves with a deliberate gentleness, each brush of his lips and each soft bite sending sparks cascading through my veins.

“Relax,” he whispers, his breath hot against my ear. “We’ll take care of you.”

I nod, as Conrad faces me, watching me with his stormy gaze, dark and intense. Deliberately, his fingers work the buttons of my blouse, unhurried but confident. With each button released, my body feels more exposed, more vulnerable—and more eager. The fabric parts, revealing the simple lace of my bra, a barrier that now seems laughably inadequate.

“Beautiful,” Conrad compliments, his voice a low rumble. His hands are warm through the delicate material of my bra, cups cradling the weight of my breasts and making my back arch slightly.

Grayson’s fingers deftly unclasp my bra from behind until it falls from my body. Cool air kisses my heated flesh before Conrad leans in, his breath warm on my chest. And then, oh god, his mouth is there—hot and insistent—around one nipple, drawing a gasp from deep within me.

“Ah,” I moan, my back arching instinctively toward him. I’m suddenly reminded that we’re still on an airplane, even if their touch has distracted me from the thought. Panic flares inside me. “What if someone hears?”

Grayson’s lips hover at my ear, his voice a velvet balm. “No one will hear, Brielle.” His tongue traces the shell of my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “This room is soundproof.”

I close my eyes, letting go of the fear as his words wrap around me like a protective cocoon. Conrad’s hand plays a countermelody on my other breast, fingers plucking and kneading. My body sings under their touch, an unfamiliar feeling building low in my belly.

“Good,” I breathe out, surrendering fully to the sensation. “Don’t stop.”

Conrad’s hands, firm yet gentle, sculpt my flesh as if he’s an artist and I am his most precious work. Warmth floods through me, pooling between my thighs. My skin prickles with need, every caress amplifying the hunger within me.

“Beautiful,” Grayson murmurs against my lips before claiming them in a kiss so deep it steals my breath away. I can taste the desire on his tongue, a flavor that is uniquely his, mingling with mine in a heady cocktail that leaves me dizzy.

“More…” I whisper into the kiss, a plea for something I can’t fully comprehend but desperately crave.

Grayson chuckles low in his throat, a sound that reverberates through me, stoking the flames. His hand slithers down to the waistband of my pants. My heart thunders as his fingers brush the fabric, teasing, barely there but enough to send a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins.

I arch into his touch, helpless to resist the call of their hands, their mouths, the overwhelming allure of being the center of such undivided attention.
