Page 86 of Professor Daddies

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“Your dad’s got some serious skills,” I say, nudging her playfully.

“Yep, Daddy can win anything!” She beams up at him, pride shining in her eyes.

Levi ruffles her hair, then glances at me, a smirk on his lips. “Except maybe your approval?”

“Jury’s still out,” I reply, but I’m grinning too wide to be convincing.

We wander next to a photo booth, drawn by the flashing lights and cheesy props. Amelia drags us in, insisting on silly hats and oversized glasses. We cram into the narrow space, our knees touching, cheeks squished together as we make faces at the camera.

“Say ‘cheesy pizza!’” Amelia commands.

“Cheesy pizza!” we echo, and the booth captures our giggles, immortalizing this slice of time.

“Can we keep these?” Amelia holds up the strip of photos, her eyes hopeful.

“Of course,” Levi says, glancing at me as he speaks. “Memories are the best souvenirs.”

“Agreed.” I tuck my copy into my bag, feeling a warmth that doesn’t come from the sun above.

The day fades into evening, the park lighting up with twinkling bulbs and neon signs. We ride the bumper cars, laughter echoing as we chase each other around the track. Levi’s car bumps into mine, his eyes crinkling with mischief, and I can’t help but retaliate, spinning him out with a well-timed nudge.


“Okay, okay, truce!” Levi raises his hands, and I notice the way his smile lingers, just for me.

We end the night on the Ferris wheel. The world stretches out below us, a patchwork of lights and shadows. Amelia presses close to Levi, her eyelids heavy with the weight of the day’s adventures.

“Look at her,” Levi whispers, his voice a soft rumble. “She’s out cold.”

“Guess we wore her out,” I whisper back, not wanting to disturb the peaceful scene.

As the wheel turns, I catch Levi watching me, something new and undefinable in his gaze. He’s seen me laughing, playful, carefree—maybe even vulnerable. And as our basket reaches the apex of the ride, I realize there’s no place I’d rather be than here, suspended between earth and sky, with Levi’s warmth beside me.

“Thanks for today,” he says, his words nearly lost in the breeze. “It means a lot.”

“Anytime,” I reply, meaning it more than I expected to.

The wheel descends, and with it, something shifts inside me. Levi Griffin isn’t just some guy; he’s someone who makes me laugh, who looks at me like maybe I’m magic. And I’m starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this could be something real.

We step off the Ferris wheel, the ground firm beneath my feet. My heart still floats somewhere up in the night sky, refusing to come down. Levi’s hand brushes against mine, a shock of warmth that sends a ripple through me.

“Let’s grab some more cotton candy before we go,” he suggests, his voice light but his eyes holding mine a moment too long.

“Sounds perfect,” I reply, my insides fluttering like the colorful carousel nearby.

We wander toward the vibrant stalls, Amelia cradled in Levi’s arms, her breathing even and steady. The scent of sugar and excitement hangs heavy in the air, mixing with the salty breeze from the ocean nearby.

“Hey, isn’t that your dad?” Levi nods toward a familiar figure by the popcorn stand.

My stomach does a somersault. “Oh God, it is.”

“Should we say hi or…?” Uncertainty flickers across Levi’s face, mirroring my own sudden nerves.

Before I can answer, my father spots us. “Brielle! Over here!”

“Play it cool,” I murmur to Levi as we approach.

“Always do,” he replies, but I feel the tension in his arm.
