Page 36 of Devious Beloved

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“I do.” I don’t, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“I knew your father. Did you know that?” he says, surprising me.

“I did.” I think he forgets how we met.

Gerald’s eyes open wider, like he wasn’t expecting me to say the truth. “Tragic what happened to him. How that all played out.”

“Yes. Yes, it is,” I say, agreeing. “Now, is there anything else you need, Gerald?”

“I take it she told you I will be paying for this wedding, it’s the least I can do. Hopefully, my daughter only gets married once.”

“She did mention it. There’s no need, I have it covered.”

Gerald stands, Lottie walks back out with her bag slung over her shoulder, ready to leave.

“You are planning on taking me to work, aren’t you?” she asks me. Lottie looks to her father. “Next time you feel the need to stop by, call first.” She offers me her hand, and I get up and take it. Her father starts to walk out, and soon it’s just us standing there. Lottie drops my hand like it’s burned her the minute the door is shut behind Gerald.

“What happened to your parents?” she asks. I should have known sooner or later she’d ask. “And how did my father know them?”

“My mother died over twenty years ago. My father died when I reached eighteen. It was my birthday present to find him hanging from our garage ceiling.”

“Oh, my god.” She gasps loudly. “I’m so sorry. So, so, very sorry.” She goes to reach for me.

“It happened a long time ago,” I tell her glancing at her hands that pause before they touch me, I want them to touch me.

“I’m torn between hugging you right now and still hating you,” she says truthfully.

“Why can’t you do both?”

Lottie shakes her head. “I need to get to work.”

“Let me drive you.”

Her hand goes to her hip. “What do you mean? I was expecting you to.” Then she walks out straight to where my car is located and opens the passenger door.

I follow closely behind her, and then we head off to the bar.

She hardly talks on the drive over, simply works from her phone until we get closer. “I’ll be finished early, pick me up around seven?” Then she goes to get out.

“No goodbye kiss?” I ask her.

“You know what you can kiss, but I’m not showing it to you again.” She smiles sweetly as I stare at her ass.

I would like to kiss that ass. Bite it. Take it. You name it.

That’s one fine ass.

“How long do you think you can play this game for?” Barry asks as we sit at the bar. He asked to meet me for drinks. And I had time to kill while I wait for my fiancée to be finished with work.

And I had to go to a bar that isn’t hers. I’m already stealing so much of her life; I have to be careful what I take.

I’ve never had to chaperone a woman, let alone pick her up and drop her off to work before. This is all very strange and new to me.

“Till the contract is done. Then I’ll let it play out as it will.”

He rubs his hand over his jaw. “And you don’t care if you hurt her?” he asks me.

“She’s tougher than I thought. She’ll be fine.”
