Page 83 of The Healing Garden

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He chuckled. “We’re going to be pen pals. And maybe have a few phone conversations. But I think we both know that we have our separate lives. Have had for a long time.”

Carly frowned. “But she came back for you.”

“She did,” Sam said. “And as sweet and hopeful as that gesture was, I think she was just running from her decision about Clyde. She couldn’t bring herself to not marry him unless she had some grand excuse. She was going to use me as her escape, not because...”

When his voice trailed off, Carly asked, “Because what?”

“Not because she was in love with me the same way I’d been in love with her.” He patted Carly’s arm. “Love is very complicated. And I know, or at least I hope I know, that I would have still chosen Norma. My relationship with Susan was important and full of light when we were together. But we let too many years and decisions come between us—too many times we chose other things over each other. I discovered in my marriage that choosing each other should always come first.” He paused. “I didn’t have that with Susan.”

Carly smiled, although it was a bit of a sad smile. “She’s a nice lady.”

“She is,” Sam agreed.

When they reached their hotel rooms across from each other, Carly asked, “Does anyone want to go swimming?”

“I’ll let you youngsters enjoy the pool,” Sam said. “You should go with them, Wyatt. No use sitting in the hotel room listening to me sleep.” He winked at Carly.

“All right,” he said. “I’ll meet you at the pool in a little bit.”

Carly grinned and turned to their door to unlock it.

“See you soon,” Anita told the men.

Once inside their room, she found her daughter sitting on the edge of her bed, hands folded in her lap. “Did you change your mind about swimming?”

“No...” Carly sighed. “It’s kind of sad to know that there’s not going to be a romance between Sam and Susan.”

Anita gave a short laugh. “What? Was that what you were hoping for?”

“Of course.” Carly folded her arms. “But all the stuff he said seemed right. Is that how it was with you and Dad? You didn’t choose each other, so things fell apart?”

Anita should have expected this question after hearing what Sam had said. “I think Mr. Davis is a wise man, and although we can’t compare relationships to each other, his words hold a lot of truth.”

She seemed to think about this. “I want to call Dad. Do you have his number?”

Anita did, but she was surprised that Carly didn’t have it. “I’ll write it down,” she said, picking up the hotel notepad. She wrote the number and handed it over.

“I know it’s long distance,” Carly said. “But it will be a short phone call.”

“Take whatever time you need.” Anita moved toward the door. “Do you want me to give you some privacy?”


She stepped out of the room. She decided this was a good thing on Carly’s part, but that didn’t make her any less nervous about her daughter having her feelings hurt...again.

After about ten minutes, the door on the other side of the hallway opened. Wyatt came out, wearing a swimsuit. He had a towel draped over one shoulder. Anita tried not to check him out too much—it was rude, right? But she couldn’t help but notice that all his running had helped in the physique department. She wasn’t one to ogle a man like some of her high school friends did back in the day, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate Wyatt.

“Oh hi,” he said. “Are you . . . locked out?”

“No.” She felt her skin heat, and she tried to keep her focus on his face. “Carly’s speaking to Bobby, so I’m giving her some privacy.”

“Oh.” His brow furrowed, and she loved that he was concerned with the news. “Everything okay?”

“I think so.” Anita shrugged. “Your grandpa’s experience brought up some questions, I guess.”

Wyatt moved to her side of the hallway. “I think I was surprised—I mean, I wondered if this reunion would become a spark. I guess I was both worried and kind of happy for him—if, you know, there was going to be a love story.”

“Yeah . . . but I think they both got a lot of answers.”
