Page 90 of The Healing Garden

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A laugh burst out. “No, I didn’t get sick of you, and neither did Carly. She kept reminding me to call you. She told Phyllis that you’re my boyfriend.”

“Is that right?” Wyatt paused. “How is Phyllis?”

Anita gave him the update, then he asked, “Are you calling because you want to or because of Carly?”

She didn’t have to think about that. “It’s all me, Wyatt.”

“That’s good to hear,” he said slowly. “Are we going on a date, then? Because if I’m going to be your boyfriend, I think it’s a good idea.”

Heat filled her chest. “Are you asking?”


Anita’s smile felt like a permanent fixture on her face. “I’m free on Thursday night.”

“It’s a deal.”

“Although . . .”

“Although what?” he asked.

“That does seem far away, even though we’ll see you at the center tomorrow night.”

“Thursday is really far away,” Wyatt said, “when I kind of want to see you tonight.”

Anita’s breath stalled. “It’s after ten o’clock.”

“I’m not tired,” he said in a teasing tone.

But she didn’t want him to be teasing. “I’m not either.”

“Did you just invite me over?”

“Yes.” She wasn’t going to beat around the bush. She did want to see him again, and the sooner the better. “But I should warn you. Bobby came over tonight—surprised us both—and it was a lot to take in. Carly was a trooper, though.”

“Oh wow, that’s . . . good I guess? In the long run?”

“I’m hoping so.” Anita released a breath. “Carly is a smart girl and a realist.”

“She gets that from her mom.”


“Do you still want me to come over?” Wyatt asked. “Or do you need some time to yourself?”

“I need some time with you,” she said immediately.

“Then see you soon,” he rumbled.

After they hung up, Anita hurried to her bedroom and changed back into regular clothing. She couldn’t see him in her ratty sweats. She had a feeling he wouldn’t mind much, but she wasn’t ready to advance their relationship to that stage.

By the time she saw the red Cadillac’s headlights swing into her driveway, she was sitting on the front porch with the light off to keep the neighbors from spying too much.

He climbed out and seemed to spot her immediately as he walked toward the porch. He wore a fitted T-shirt and those jeans of his she liked, his smile just for her.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey. Good to see you again.”
