Page 179 of Mr. Wicked

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“So did I, but Laura reminded me.”

She placed the wine on the pool deck and tightened her grip around me. “What else did she say?”

“You know, the required bullshit. That we’ve fulfilled our obligations. That if either of us want to call it, we can, contractually.”

I didn’t want to say anything about the financial responsibilities.

That would imply that Jovana wasn’t supporting herself, and that wasn’t the case at all. Even though our new condo was out of her price range, Jovana insisted on paying all our utilities, and she could most definitely afford a nice place in the city, with a lifestyle as lavish as she wanted.

“Interesting.” She shifted. “And how did you respond to that?”

I hovered my lips over hers, inhaling the vanilla first and then the lavender. “I told her I choose my wife.”

“God”—she shook her head—“that title never gets old.”

My hands lowered to her ass, and I lifted her a little higher. “She sends her best.”

“I mean this with all the love in my heart, and it’s nothing against Laura, but I really hope I never have to see her again.”

I chuckled, feeling the same way. “You won’t.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because you’re mine.” I kissed her collarbone. Her neck. Her lips. “Nothing will ever change that.”

She pressed her mouth against the side of my beard, leaving it there while she grumbled, “And what about my family? And Sloane? Are we ever going to tell them the truth?”

“Do you want to?”

She was quiet for a moment. “No.”

“Then they’ll never know about our contract or the obligations that brought us here.”

She moved her face in front of mine, smiling. “Can you imagine what they’d say?”

“You mean how much of an asshole they’d think I am. No, I can’t imagine. I’d like to bypass that whole conversation with them if possible.”

“You mean how much of an asshole you were, not are.” She kissed me. “You’ve come a long, long way ... Mr. Wicked.”


Nina Grinstead, our journey is one that can’t be described. In fact, most of the time, I don’t even have to say the words—you’re already inside my head, knowing everything I’m thinking. I’m sure here, in this moment, is no different. You can see the tears in my eyes. The smile on my face. The subtle shaking of my head. You’ve made this all come true. And thank you and love you will never be enough. Team B forever.

Nicole Resciniti, the way you have my back, the way you fight for my success, the way you open doors I thought would be locked forever, you’re constantly making my dreams come true. You’re the best agent in the world.

Maria Gomez, I’ve never met anyone who fights for my nondairy meals like you. Gah, I just heart you so much. Thank you for your patience and understanding—there were lots of hurdles that came during this book, and you were so compassionate with me the whole time. I’ll never forget that. Ever.

Lindsey Faber, meeting you confirmed everything I already knew: we’re kindred spirits. I absolutely adore you and cherish the time we spent together at BB. All these months later and I can still hear your voice in my head—the things you’ve taught me, the things you’ve made me aware of. I’ll forever be a stronger writer because of you. As I said before, it’s the biggest honor to work with you on this book, and I can say that again. XO

Ratula Roy, 2023 was the year of us. In ways I wasn’t anticipating, but in ways that have made me the happiest. You stepped in and saved me like a true friend would. I owe you everything and I love you endlessly.

Sarah Symonds, you’ve been here since the beginning, and you’ll be here until the end. Thank you for being my everything, always. Love you to the moon and back.

Brittney Sahin, I never would have typed THE END on this book if it weren’t for you. You held my hand through the hardest times; you listened; you gave me words that I needed to hear. You motivated me. Inspired me. And like I told you the day you showed me your dedication, you were a light in a roomful of darkness. Thank you for always being here. I love you.

Kimmi Street, my sister from another mister. There’s no way to describe us; there’s just something special when it comes to our unbreakable bond. Nothing and no one will ever change that. I love you more than love.

Extra-special love goes to Monica Murphy, Devney Perry, Valentine PR, Kim Cermak, Christine Miller, Kelley Beckham, Rachel Brookes, Jan and Pang, Tracey Waggaman, and Jennifer Porpora. I’m so grateful for all of you and I love you so much.

My Midnighters, my ARC team, my Bookstagram team: You are such a supportive, loving, motivating group. Thanks for being such an inspiration, for holding my hand when I need it, and for always begging for more words. I love you all.

Mom and Dad, I love you.

Brian, I am me because of you, and you are the best part of me. There is nothing I love more than our love.
