Page 39 of Evelyn's Enforcer

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“FUCK! ARHHH!” he growled, throwing his head back and roaring at the ceiling, the cords on his neck bulging from the strain. Witnessing his release was fascinating and I was riveted to the sight of his pleasure. But then he relaxed into me, held me tight, and sealed this moment like I was living in a dream…

“You were perfection.”



“Iwould ask where you got your skills at doing this from, but I am afraid I won’t like the answer,” I teased as he rubbed my shoulders and neck from behind with soapy hands. Hands that admittedly felt like magic.

“I can assure you, there has been no practice involved, for whatever skills I have, it is merely stemmed from the need to touch you,” he answered, making me groan and I let my head fall back against his naked, wet shoulder.

“Seriously, how is it you always know the most perfect thing to say?” I only half complained, making him chuckle. But then I turned quickly just as he was about to speak and put my hand over his mouth,

“No, don’t say it, I’m stopping you before the next Casanova sonnet comes out of your mouth.” He grinned against my palm, before I felt his fingers wrap around my wrist so he could pull my hand away from his lips.

“I believe Shakespeare was better known for his sonnets and Casanova for his…”

“Yes, yes, I get it and, besides, you have already exercised that particular skill tonight, one I definitely know didn’t come from the need to touch me.” At this he raised a brow and gave me a skeptical look in return, before dipping his head closer to me.

“Mm… if you believe it stems solely from my past experience then answer me this, how was it that making love to you felt like the first time all over again, and was the best sex of my life, when all else before you pale in comparison?” I couldn’t help but blush at that, as well as my heart doing backflips and high fiving all my other organs. Obviously, my sex got special recognition.

“Well, I doubt that’s what the ladies thought,” I replied, making him scoff a laugh.

“Are you mocking me?” I warned, wondering where this new playful side of me had come from. Although, one look at the wet naked body behind me, I could very well imagine. He just seemed to bring it out in me.

“I wouldn’t dare, you are far too fearsome,” he teased, making me splash him anyway, seeing as we were currently in his big bath together. This after he had carried me in here shortly after making love to me, telling me that it would help with the tenderness between my legs. Of course, he had been right, but as to when exactly he’d had chance to run the water during sex, was anyone’s guess. It was impossible actually, seeing as the last time I had been in there, the tub had been depressingly empty.

So, the moment he placed me in the bath, I was shocked to find I wouldn’t be doing this alone, as he soon slide in right behind me. However, my embarrassment didn’t last long. Although it was long enough that when he picked up a cloth and started to clean in between my thighs I tried to take the cloth off him. To which he kissed my neck and hummed against my flesh,

“Be good for me and let me take care of you.”

“But why? I mean, I can just…”

“Because it brings me pleasure, that is why… now relax, My Dove.”

I couldn’t help but do as he told me when I felt his hands all over me, and cleaning the mess he had made was just the start. He also insisted on washing me, rubbing soft soap suds all over my body in a maddeningly sensual way. And to the point I was near squirming against him. A fact he most definitely seemed to enjoy.

Not long after this and I did relax, getting used to his touch and his gentle teasing. I even started to feel confident enough to do the same back. Like now, as I picked up his hand and started playing with his fingers as we talked about lighthearted things. As if we were both purposely avoiding the serious questions, ones we knew at some point we would both have to face answering. But then Ryker clearly had something else on his mind.

“Tell me, for I am curious, why the Ingwaz rune?” he asked, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the tattoo on the inside my wrist. Of course, he knew that I had five of them, all in different designs, ones he had kissed or stroked not long after sex. Tattoos he had also washed too.

“Where there is a will, there is a way,” I told him, sighing back into him as he hummed in acknowledgement.

“You play with this one whenever you’re nervous,” he stated, shocking a breath from me at the fact he noticed.

“It gives me strength and courage,” I told him, and the arm he had resting at my belly pulled me tighter at that.

“Of course, it is also the symbol for knowledge but also for divine energy, something I have a feeling I will need a lot of around you, if our time in the bedroom is anything to go by.” At this he chuckled, making me jiggle against him.

“I did wonder at the hospital if I would discover more of them painted on your skin,” he mused, running his hand along the one on my hip.

“Ah yes the hospital… tell me, was this before or after your thoughts of kidnapping me, hmm?” I said in a teasing yet pointed tone.

“I am unsure, for I have had so many thoughts of kidnapping you since the first time I kissed you,” he replied in a musing tone, making me turn to look up at him and ask softly,

“Then why didn’t you?” he laughed at this and told me,

“It certainly wasn’t through lack of trying.” I had to grin at that.
