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“By the Gods no… fuck no… FUCK!” he roared in anger.

I jumped when he suddenly punched a fist through the wall, making the solid log crumble around the impact. I cried at that, covering my mouth to hold back the desperate sounds.

“What else did I do… just… just tell me how badly I fucked this all up!”

My heart could take no more, making me regret telling him the details, which was why I quickly tried to reassure him.

“You saw me on the floor and something stopped you, you saw the scar on my leg, and it was as if something broke through. You stopped trying to attack me then.” However, my words seemed empty now, because he looked so far gone in his pain, he was barely listening to me. Which was when I could bear it no longer. I quickly rushed over to him and pulled his hands from his face, forcing him to look at me. But when I found the tears there still in his eyes, I felt as if my whole world was falling apart.

“Jared, you need to listen to me, you could have killed me that night but you didn't. You blamed me for the death of your wife, and for what they did to you. You blamed me for all of it yet you couldn't kill me and the moment you realized you hurt me, you stopped. Don't you see? You couldn't do it, in your mind you had every right to seek your revenge. You had every right to believe your wife, over me… a girl you had only just met. So, I don't blame you, Jared, and you certainly shouldn't blame yourself,” I told him, and finally something made it through, as he crushed himself to me, gripping me close and pulling me in, now holding me so tight before whispering into my hair,

“I am so sorry… I'm so fucking sorry… so sorry I didn’t believe you, Ella… I should have believed you.”

I started to shake my head, but he stopped this by holding it cupped to his chest. So, I told him,

“You didn’t know… you didn't know who I was to you, Jared.”

“It's no excuse,” he stated firmly.

“It's not an excuse, it's a horrible truth, especially when those around us, the ones we love and care for, lie to us, those are the ones to blame for the actions they cause in us.” I felt him shaking his head before he pulled back to cup my face and looked down at me. Then he placed his forehead to mine and asked,

“How can you even forgive me?”

“Because there is nothing to forgive,” I told him in return before pulling him down for a kiss, one that I poured my entire heart and soul into. One he returned with just as much love. And well, I was just happy that he was kissing me back, and that same blame that I had received that day hadn't become an awful repeat of history. That he no longer blamed me for any of this.

Because, in the end, now we both knew that there was only one person to blame for this…

His treacherous wife.




Icould barely believe it.

In fact, I wouldn't have believed it at all had it not come from Ella. Because I knew that if anyone else other than my brother had approached me with the possibility that Lerna was responsible for what had happened, then that person would not have been standing for long. Anger would have taken over and the person trying to convince me of this shit would have known a world of pain.

I never imagined her capable of such a thing. In fact, it felt as if our entire marriage had been nothing but a lie. Nothing but a way to trap me with the sole purpose of bringing us to this point. I had to ask myself why, though? Had she been forced? Had she been coerced in some way? Had this all been down to that bastard Koro? Had he been the one to pull the strings all this time and if so, for what gain? It made little sense, considering all of this was only ever going to make me more powerful.

And because of his involvement, I had already claimed my revenge on Koro. I’d had him bound to his curse, as I knew that he had been involved, just like the others I had got revenge on eventually. But nothing had ever prepared me for the idea that the one that had slipped by unpunished was my own fucking wife! And why was she so willing to die that day? I still didn't understand what gain any of them had in this, but I knew I would stop at nothing to find out.

However, right now, that was not where my focus was.

No, it was solely on Ella.

I knew how difficult it had been for her to tell me this. I'd seen the pain and the guilt in her eyes. I had seen the endless tears flow. Which meant I also couldn't blame her for keeping it from me, as I was hardly in a position to do so. Not when I, myself, had made wrongful decisions in the past about not telling her things in fear of what her reaction may be. Meaning that I knew that she had held that same fear about me when it came to this. That she too had been worried about what my own reaction would be, and whether or not I would believe her or continue to take the word of my wife. I wish she had trusted me sooner. Trusted that, no matter what my initial reaction would be, in the end, I would take her word over anyone else’s.

Including Lerna’s.

Gods but it felt like a kick in the teeth. Just another betrayal from someone I thought was close to me and now I was questioning everything about our short past together. Now believing that having me save her on that side of the road had all been part of the plan. Just some ruse, along with a sham of a marriage and falling in love was all just part of the game she played.

Fuck, but all my wasted years spent feeling fucking guilty! The loyalty I felt I owed. Gods in Hell but I had nearly let it come between Ella and I!

In truth, I should have been pleased. For at the very least, any of that guilt I may have still had for falling in love with Ella had crumbled away like dust. For Ella would never have done this to me! Hell, but she had tried to save me that day, despite the danger it put her in. To know that she would have loved me no matter what, whether I was a powerful HellBeast King or mortal man. She wanted me to have that choice, and it made me love her all the more. Something I didn't think possible until this day.

But as the story continued, it became clear there were still a few parts she was holding back, as if trying to spare me the pain. Pain I also didn’t want to put her through in telling me, as she had been through enough today.
