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“I have to get going but I'll be back soon.” My face must have said it all because he gave my shoulder a squeeze and told me,

“Don't worry, I'll be back in a few hours.”

“Oh yes, you're going to that party at Afterlife, aren't you? Your father and I were also invited.” This was a rare occasion indeed, especially seeing how many supernaturals were going to be there.

This was also the night that the Table of the Kings meeting was going to be held. A strategic time considering my Auntie Keira had been on the phone and told me the plans were for the women to get ready while the men do their thing. I just hoped that doing their thing didn't come with a slice of Jared leaving before midnight.

In the end, I gave him a nod, but this mustn't have been good enough for him because he took my hand and made me stand, before pulling me out the front door.

“Hey, why do you look so sad, Red?”

I swallowed hard and held back all the emotion I felt.

“Where are you going?” I asked instead, and the moment I saw his face tense, it told me all I needed to know, that he had hoped to get away without me asking this.

“I've got to go meet my brother.”

“Why?” I asked, purposely pushing for more.

“Ella, do you trust me?” This felt like a loaded question, which was why I look down at my feet.

“Look at me, baby… I asked, if you trusted me?”

I nodded slowly, despite admittedly feeling the opposite at the moment. But it was enough for him, because he pulled me closer and kissed me on the forehead, assuring me once again,

“I will be back soon, sweetheart.”

I tried not to cling on to his jacket, but I got the impression he knew that I didn’t want him to go, because as he walked away, my hand only fell when he became out of reach. I then turned and walked back inside, unable to watch as he drove away. I had the feeling that, before long, he would say goodbye and next time…

There would be no coming back soon.



Afew hours later I heard a car outside, and I couldn't help but be surprised. Jared was back, just like he said he would be, just as my dad assured me that he would be. Of course, Dad hadn't given any indication of the conversation they'd had in the garage, other than to say it was nothing but small talk.

My parents have tried their best to keep my mind off wondering where he'd gone, regaling me with even more tales and antics from their cruise. But I think they could tell I was only half listening to this. Something that became evident when my dad kissed me on the top of the head and told me to stop being a worrywart, just as my mother had called me.

Knowing he was back, I was up and opening the door as he was making his way out the car. Without a second thought, I ran toward him, throwing my arms around his neck whether he was ready for me or not.

“Whoa, nice to know someone missed me,” he said, chuckling and making me grip on tighter. I also tried to bury my head in his neck after getting up on my tip toes just so I could breathe him in and lose myself in his scent.

“I would always miss you. In fact, I don't think I could ever be without you,” I told him honestly, hoping… no, more like praying, that this was enough to get the message across. To tell him that whatever he was planning; for him not to do it. To rethink it, to confess it. Just anything other than walking away and doing what he thought was right.

However, I wasn't sure what to make of his reaction because it didn't exactly look as if he was contemplating or reevaluating any plans he intended to make. No, instead he grinned, tugged me close after his arms wrapped around me, and tucked his fingers into the waist band of my jeans. Only then did he rumble,

“Good to know, baby.” Then he jerked his nose at my cheek, silently telling me to tip my head back so he could kiss me. Something that left me hoping that it wouldn't be our last for a while.

“Where have you been?” I couldn't help myself from asking. But again, he surprised me with his reaction. Because instead of giving me some bullshit excuse, he took my hand in his and led me to the back of the car. Then with that grin of his still in place, he told me,

“Well, I wanted it to be a surprise, but I suppose unless I want to share you naked with the world, then you will find out soon enough.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, just happy to see that mischievous smile back as he pressed the fancy key fob, making the trunk open. A large black box with fancy silver writing on the front was sitting there with a smaller shoe box next to it.

“A gift… for me?”

“Gods, Ella, is it really so shocking that I would want to buy you a gift?” he asked, laughing and making me grin down at it in a totally sappy happy way.
