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“It's been less than a week, Pet. Needless to say, I do not need reminding about you sneaking out of our bed in the middle of the night to put yourself in danger.”

“Try being in a fucking jail cell while that shit is happening,” Jared added, now coming to stand next to me, while the most mischievous members of the family had taken my boxes and left already.

“Touché, HellBeast, I think you win. Although from what I hear, you had plenty of things to kill the time with.”

Jared growled a little before commenting darkly,

“It was never enough.”

“No doubt,” Lucius agreed before holding his arm out and saying, “I believe we are needed, Cerberus.”

Jared nodded the once, then pulled me into his arms and kissed me goodbye, telling me that he would see me later before the celebrations started. I wasn't the only one receiving this treatment because Lucius was doing the same, only his came with a warning…

“Keep out of trouble, little wife.” Amelia winked at him and while giving him a girl scout salute, said,

“I make no promises, I break no promises.”

“I thought we agreed you were not going to make that your new motto,” he grumbled in reply.

“Did we though?” she replied in a patronizing tone, making me giggle. Jared tugged me closer, as was his habit, and warned,

“Don't get any ideas.” I then took a page out of Amelia’s book and repeated,

“I make no promises, I break no promises.”

Jared rolled his eyes and walked away shaking his head, making us both giggle when we heard Lucius say,

“We have no fucking hope, my friend.”

Naturally, we both continued to giggle.

After this, Amelia led me away to what was clearly going to be a girly pre-party held in her aunt Sophia’s private wing. Growing up and not knowing that half of my family were all supernatural, there were a lot of places in Afterlife that I had never seen… or even knew existed for that matter. Of course, since then, I’d had my eyes opened, especially when discovering they actually had freakin’ dungeons in the basement. Or the fact that they had a temple filled with dead bodies and a giant tree of life. So yeah, there was that. But this also meant that finding out my cousin’s aunt had an actual, real life sex club next to her bedroom shouldn’t really have been shocking. And I am talking, BDSM furniture, hanging robes, sex swings… the whole caboodle and shebang!

Thankfully for me, the sex club was empty, but that didn't mean that Amelia didn’t chuckle when she saw my reaction when being led through the private club. Of course, the two men dressed in tuxedos drawing back the curtains and acting as waiters was a nice touch, but I was just glad they weren’t butlers in the buff. Which also meant their offered drinks as we were led into Sophia’s boudoir thankfully didn’t come with a slice of ass.

Of course, my aunt Keira, Pip, and Sophia were already there and definitely in party mode already. I had to smile as Amelia rolled her eyes when seeing her mum and co all dancing with hair brushes in their hands pretending they were microphones, singing away to Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5. I knew from experience that this was my aunt's favorite song and, clearly, Amelia had seen this scene quite a few times in her lifetime before.

Which meant as soon as a waiter approached with a tray full of champagne and offering her a glass, she took one and said,

“Hell yeah, and keep them coming.” I had to laugh at that, then she looked at me and said, “Trust me, we will both need it for this next part.” And she was right, because for the next few hours, I felt like I was at a beauty salon ran by three crazy ladies who clearly were used to this ‘play party dress up’ tradition.

Honestly, I didn't know whether this was a bedroom or a place of business! I felt like a fish out of water, despite ever since entering into Jared’s world I had worn more dresses in that short time than I had in my whole life put together. But then, due to my job, it wasn't often that I had the chance to dress up and well, there wasn’t much need for a cocktail dress at the local bar.

However, I also couldn't deny the thrill of excitement knowing that the dress I was going to wear tonight had been bought for me by Jared. So by the time my hair and make-up was done, I was eager for the last task on the list. It was time for me to put my dress on. Which also meant that I wasn’t the only one who was grinning with excitement. Especially when I opened the lid and finally saw it, and I wasn't the only one who gasped either.

The dress was exquisite, and the material so beautiful I was almost afraid to touch it. In the end, Amelia nudged me and teased,

“I think this is the part where you're supposed to take it out of the box.” So, after giving her a smirk, I did just that, soon holding it up against me, and after Pip’s wolf whistle, she said,

“Who knew the HellBeast had it in him?”

“But of course he does. After all, he has great taste,” my aunt replied on my behalf, before winking at me. And just ten minutes later I was staring at a different girl in the mirror and wondering if…

This Ranger was really ready for the ball?


