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“Ella, baby… what is it you think I'm about to do?”

“Leave me, of course!” I told him, already feeling the tears try and push their way through, despite me still having my eyes closed. Something that was definitely making this argument easier on my part but also admittedly a bit weird.

“Leave you? Why the fuck would you think that?!”

I swear my heart stopped before starting to beat even quicker.

“Wait, you're not planning on leaving me?”

“Fuck no! I just got you back! Why the hell would you think…? Oh wait, of course,” he said as if realizing something himself.


He chuckled the once, before voicing the conclusion he had come to.

“In true Ella fashion, you were listening to my conversation with my brother again, weren’t you?” I released a guilty sigh and told him the truth.

“Okay, so I know it was wrong, but I was worried about you! You've been really quiet this last week and I know you have had a lot to process and I cannot begin to imagine how hard it was hearing all of this about your wife and how she…”

“Ella, just stop,” he interrupted quickly, making me argue,

“But I need to explain.”

“No, baby, you don't… in fact, all you need to do is open your eyes and look at me,” he said with his voice so tender and loving.

I did as he asked and the moment my eyes finally opened, I gasped. But it wasn't at the beauty of the rooftop garden, one now glittering with thousands of fairy lights. Nor was it the stars of the clear night sky above mirroring the beauty below. It wasn't the romantic setting, where candles were flickering in the numerous lanterns, or the silver ice bucket with two distinct bottles of beer inside it. It also wasn’t the chocolate covered strawberries or the rose petals leading a pathway to the romantic setting.

It was none of these things.

But it was to the sight of Jared now down on one knee.

On one knee and with a ring box in his hand ready to open.

The next words out of his mouth made it hard to breathe. Staggered, shallow breaths forced my hand to find my chest, as if this would help. But then Jared started speaking and my world stopped spinning.

Because there was only him and his heart.

One he started to pour out to me.

“You're right, I have been planning something, and I have been quiet and thoughtful over this last week. But not for the reasons you imagined. In light of what you told me, yes, I should have struggled. I should have battled against my emotions when feeling hurt or betrayed, but, Ella, that is not why I've been quiet. These have not been the thoughts that have played on my mind. Not when all my thoughts were only ever centered on you. All my thoughts focused on how much I love you. But mainly… on how foolish I have been not to do this sooner…”

I finally found my voice, one strained through the tears that wouldn’t be stopped this time.

“We have been pretty busy,” I said as the first of those tears fell, sealing this moment in happiness and telling me that it wasn’t a dream.

“Yes, we have, but no more. I want nothing to come between us ever again. You are my life, you are my everything, and you are all my hopes and dreams wrapped into one beautiful package. You are the light in my darkness and the reason my heart beats, for it is only for you.”

“Oh Jared,” I whispered before covering my trembling lips.

“So, I have an important question to ask you, and I hope with every single fiber of my being, that it is one you will say yes to…” He then paused to take a deep breath, closing his eyes for a few long seconds and then finally he said,

“Will you, Carrie Ella Connor, do me the greatest honor in my life and make me the happiest HellBeast alive by agreeing to become my wife…?”

I gasped the second he then flipped open the box and said…

“Will you marry me?”

