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“So, I take it when Ella arrived…?” Lucius asked, letting his question trail off.

“I was stunned and had no fucking clue how it had happened.” Orth scoffed at this and said,

“It’s called sex, mate.”

“Yes, I am aware of how it’s done, HellBeast,” he replied wryly.

“But you hadn’t allowed for this to happen?” Dom asked, wanting confirmation on this.

“Didn’t even think it was fucking possible, not for one of my kind, but then I was shit scared that she would be born a Nephilim and you would find out,” Frank said, still looking to Dom and making him sigh in response.

“And your abilities to mask yourself to others of your kind, do you believe this transferred to her, making her appear mortal?” I asked, tensing as I waited for the answer.

“No, she was born a mortal and I never detected anything but her being mine.” At this he grinned as if he was remembering the day he first got to hold her. It also answered the question as to why they had never had any more kids.

“And Libby, she never found out?” This question again came from Dom.

“Like I said, I lived life as a mortal. I let my vessel age as she did.”

“But then what was the plan to come after, as an immortal you would have…”

At this Frank held up his hand and stopped Dom from saying more.

“No, I wouldn’t have lived on… not without my Libby.” We all frowned at this.

“So, what was the plan?” Lucius asked this time.

“I figured all I ever needed was one life. One mortal life lived with the girl I loved and could grow old with together. After that, after I found myself at the end of that life, the moment Libby left this world, then so would I.”

I released a heavy, weighted sigh at that, knowing what he meant, as suicide was certainly rare in our world but not entirely unheard of either.

“You would end it?” Dom asked, shocked.

“I found a way, yeah. But that is my business,” Frank stated sternly, as clearly, he still wanted to keep some things close to his chest.

“And now?” I asked.

“Well, now things have changed,” he stated with that tick in his jawline back.

“In what way?” Lucius asked, transforming that tense look to one that was pained.

“Yes, why now, Frank.? Why after all these years in hiding, why expose yourself now?” Dom asked.

“I told myself one life. But now it’s being cut short, and I am not okay with that,” he said, making me frown before realizing what he meant. It was why she looked different, even after this short time.

“Libby,” I said, making him close his eyes as the emotion gripped him. Then he told us,

“She has cancer.”

At this I too closed my eyes as Dom did the same. The pain of this, clearly hit us both hard, for those that knew her would find this difficult to hear. But for me, it was also the added knowledge that Ella was going to be fucking crushed.

Heartbroken and devastated.

“Fuck,” I hissed.

“Gods, Frank, I am so sorry,” Dom added, but Frank shook his head and said bluntly,

“Don’t be sorry, just don’t kill my ass when I make it right.”
