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Icould barely believe how this night had turned out. Everything about it had just been so incredible, like a celebration of love, and it had quickly turned into an engagement party.

I was engaged.

I swear, I wondered if I would ever get used to hearing it… thinking it… realizing it. It felt like such a contrast to what we had been through lately, and well, this…

This was definitely the rainbow beaming through the storm that was Jared and I. But no matter what we had been through, our love for each other was a constant. Even when Jared had been his own biggest enemy. Now, though… well, we felt truly destined for each other and for the first time, I found myself looking forward to the future.

Starting with the sight of Jared coming back down the stairs, after they had all had their ‘whiskey drinking man time’. A drink I ended up tasting from his lips the second he got close enough to kiss me.

“Hey, fiancé,” I teased, making him beam down at me, that smile of his making me want to melt. Of course, the look of him in a suit was another reason to form a puddle on the floor, which meant that we both ended up saying the same thing at the same time.

“Ready to leave?”

“Ready to leave?”

Of course we both ended up grinning at this, but for me it ended with a blush as he growled down at me,

“Fucking made for me.” Then he took my hand in his and told me, “Come on, beautiful, let’s get out of here.”

After a wink from him, we were soon saying goodbye to everyone. Something that took a while because there were quite a few people to get through. But when it came to my parents, I couldn’t help but question if the boys had gotten Dad drunk or not. The tender way he was looking at my mom, was as if someone had told him he had just won the life lottery and my mom had been the one to pick the numbers. As if he lived and breathed with her as the only reason for both.

It was beautiful.

Which was why I felt hesitant to say goodbye just yet, being content to just watch them for a moment. Of course, Jared was just finishing saying bye to those on his council, including his brother, when I felt his arms surround me from behind.

“He loves her dearly,” he told me, obviously knowing where my thoughts were as my mom laughed with her sister. But then I noticed again how much weight she had lost and the dark circles under her eyes, whereas there hadn’t been any before.

“He told you that?” I asked without looking back at him.

“Let’s just say that I believe he is a man who would do anything for the woman he loves, and I can certainty relate to the sentiment.” At that I turned in his arms so I could beam up at him.

“Since when did you turn into such a romantic, eh?” I asked smirking.

“Always been one, babe, you just missed all the signs.” I had to laugh at that.

“Oh, is that right?”

“Did I make you steak and share my beer with you?” he teased, making my lips twitch as I fought the grin.

“Yes, but I fail to see…” He quickly cut me off, now leaning in close and telling me,

“Those are my big guns, Red… never cooked for a chick before.” At this my mouth dropped, making him comment,

“And now she gets it.”

After this he didn’t wait for me to respond before walking us over to say goodnight to my parents. But then my mom started talking about us setting a date, making me laugh,

“We aren’t in any rush, Mom.”

“Speak for yourself,” Jared grumbled, making me laugh.

“Well as long as you don’t leave it too long, I want to see my baby…” She stopped herself suddenly as she started to get teary, and I quickly hugged her to me.

“Oh, Mom.”
