Page 11 of The Kraken's Kiss

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I laugh uncontrollably, attempting to tame the enormous beehive on my head. “Do you think you can calm this down a bit?”

“No worries.” Amara giggles, her fingers dancing through the air as she magically styles my hair into a stunning cascade of beach waves. “How about that? Perfect for an island-style wedding, don’t you think?”

“Absolutely perfect,” I agree, smiling as I fluff the waves to add volume. I glance at my reflection, pleased with the transformation. “Remember, it’s a bonding ceremony, not a wedding.” As I admire how the style frames my face, anticipation flutters. I wonder how Egon will react when he sees it. He notices everything.

“I guess I’m not so useless after all,” Amara quips with a smile as she expertly fastens my pearls and gently pats my shoulders, resting her chin on my head. “You look stunning, bestie. I’m so happy for you and Egon, and thrilled you’re finally here. You sure took your sweet time.”

Her words stir a wave of emotion in me, bringing tears to my eyes. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude that she could attend today. My parents will soon follow, leaving their home in Starlight Grove to settle in Elder Glen, a haven for nymphs and elves. Their lifelong plan was to raise me among humans and return once I found my mate. According to my mother, long ago, it was prophesied that I would one day become Queen of Mirinthia. Although I wish they could have been here in time for the ceremony, I’m relieved they’ll arrive soon.

“Don’t sell yourself short,” I reply, brushing off her humility. “I’ve heard of your remarkable talents. People around here say your powers even rival your mother’s,” I add with a hint of pride. “And here I am, mastering trivial skills like swimming with orcas and deciphering whale songs. How will I ever compete?” I tease her, smoothing out my silver-white dress and checking for imperfections.

It isn’t easy dressing in a dimly lit grotto, but this sacred spot by the sea was where Egon and I chose to unite our lives. Luckily, he was on board with the idea. Our guests will watch from the shore as we exchange vows under the moonlit sky.

“I can turn into a bat!” Amara exclaims suddenly, lifting the hem of my dress to help me navigate the steps leading down to the beach.

“No, you can’t.” I laugh, nearly losing my balance in amusement.

“Fine, I can’t. But Attila can, and sister, it’s quite the spectacle,” she confesses, handing me over to Egon, who waits patiently at the bottom of the steps. “Good luck, you two. I’d better find Attila before he picks a fight with one of the mermen—he’s convinced they were giving him the stink eye.” With a playful wink, she dashes off through the thick sand, hurrying to manage her mischievous husband.

“You look stunning, baby girl,” Egon murmurs as he gently wraps a tentacle around my waist, lifting me effortlessly until I am pressed against him. His finger traces my jawline tenderly, tilting my chin up. His deep blue eyes lock with mine in a gaze so intense it sends warmth flooding through me. “You’ve changed my life for the better. Thank you for jumping off that ship.”

I laugh, my breath tickling his beard, and I savor his familiar scent as I try to compose myself. “I didn’t jump. I fell fourteen stories into the ocean. It’s a miracle I survived.”

“Perhaps fate gave you a nudge,” Egon suggests softly, his voice a deep rumble that resonates warmly in my ear, sending tingles down my spine. “Whatever it was, I’m eternally thankful.” He pauses, a playful glint in his eyes. “And by the way, your hair looks beautiful. I’m looking forward to messing it up later, baby girl.”

“Just wait until after the ceremony, Papa. We wouldn’t want to give everyone a show,” I tease, tapping my finger playfully against his nose while gently kicking my feet, signaling him to let me down.

“You don’t have to worry about that. Papa does his best work in private,” Egon replies with a mischievous wink. He gently sets me down and takes my hand, leading me onto the beach with a confident stride. His words, spoken in a low, affectionate tone, promise an exciting evening.

Hand in hand, we step onto the soft, moonlit sand, each grain glistening under the moon’s silvery glow. Together, we begin our journey toward a future brimming with promise, each step marking the path to our happily ever after.

As we approach our assembled guests, Egon pauses and clears his throat, his voice resonant with emotion. “Like the pull of the moon on the sea, I will forever gravitate toward you. Nerissa, you are my mate, my love, and my life. I pledge to remain by your side for all eternity.”

Fighting back tears that threaten to fall, I reach up for a boost and wrap my arms around his neck, holding him close. With my heart full of gratitude, I thank my lucky stars that fate brought us together.
