Page 8 of The Kraken's Kiss

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chapter eleven

“What is it like?” I ask, swimming close to an underwater cliff, hovering above the dark abyss. Egon, with a hint of nervousness, follows and urges me toward the far side, to safer ground.

“What is what like?” he responds, his voice calm but evasive as he clasps my hand and pulls me across the precarious expanse. He’s reluctant to answer until I'm safely away from the edge, away from the risk of being swallowed by the unfathomable depths below. While I'm captivated by the obscure view, or rather the lack of it, Egon appears less enthralled.

“There’s nothing down there, little girl—nothing of importance,” Egon murmurs as he guides me away, a curious gleam in his eye betraying his fascination with the inky blackness, even as he insists on its insignificance.

“What’s it like to wait for your mate? I didn’t even know you existed until I found you, but you waited centuries, not even sure if I would ever come into your life,” I say, my voice heavy with wonder and empathy. As we swim, I absentmindedly run my fingers along the top of a coral reef, marveling when the rough surface leaves no mark on my skin, a stark reminder of the strange and magical world I've entered.

"My feelings evolved over the centuries. Initially, I only had hope. Some males meet their fated mates early on, before they even grasp what's been missing from their lives. They are the fortunate ones. But after two hundred years, my hope began to wane. I started to doubt whether the gods would ever bless me with my beloved mate. Not all are lucky enough to find their counterpart—some are even considered unworthy," Egon explains as he guides me through an underwater garden, where yellow kelp sways like a dense forest of towering trees.

"Why would you be unworthy? Everyone I’ve met here holds you in such high regard. Is there something I should be aware of?" I challenge, spinning to face him with a playful arch of my eyebrow. I duck slightly behind a giant yellow kelp, teasing him with a flirtatious glance, inviting him to share more.

“I wasn’t always the ruler you see before you. In my youth, when my father was king, I embraced the ruthless life of a warrior, engaging in battles, devising plots, and committing acts I now regret, all to secure my father's reign. I wish we had chosen the path of peace from the start. When I ascended to the throne, I sought redemption by turning foes into allies and fostering a reign of unity rather than conflict. Yet, the shadows of those early years linger,” Egon shares, his expression somber, his remorse etching deep lines of regret across his face.

“Six hundred years seems like an eternity to me. What happens when I grow old and die? You’ll be left alone once more,” I say, wondering if my mortality might sway his decision to bind his fate to mine, a being with such a short lifespan.

Egon shakes his head, a determined glint in his eyes as he swims toward me. In a fluid, graceful motion, he spins me around; his tentacles weave a dance of anticipation, passing me from one to another in a mesmerizing sequence. Finally, one firmly grasps my waist and pulls me abruptly against his chiseled chest. "When we bond—if we choose to bond—our lives will become irreversibly intertwined. We Krakens are not immortal, but our lives stretch far beyond human measure. We will live these extended years together, side by side, until we both draw our last breaths," he declares, bringing his lips to mine, and sealing our mouths in a kiss brimming with promise of eternal love. Once again, his kiss brings me to life, awakening the part of my heart that has always been reserved for him alone.

“This feels too good to be true,” I whisper against his lips, deepening our kiss and letting my fingers wander through his thick, coarse beard. Every sensation is a riddle—he feels both foreign and intimately familiar, his strength reassuring yet intimidating, his presence both exhilarating and calming. As our closeness weaves a spell of wonder around me, questions bubble up within: Where did he come from? What will happen if he vanishes as suddenly as he appeared? The thrill of the unknown mingles with a fear of loss, intensifying the moment with the sweet ache of vulnerability.

“I was just thinking the same thing. Loving you surpasses any emotion I’ve ever experienced,” Egon murmurs, his voice a low groan that vibrates through our kiss. His lips linger over mine, teasing, then deepening the kiss as his tongue explores with a deliberate, intoxicating rhythm. With him, the need for breath seems to vanish. He sustains me, his presence fueling and filling every part of me.

"I don't know if I can leave my family forever, Egon. How can I move between my world and yours? You can't expect me to abandon my parents forever," I whisper, trembling with vulnerability as his lips find the curve of my neck. His kisses are deliberate, each one a tender yet powerful exploration that sends shivers down my spine and weakens me further.

"Those are just details, my love. You can’t leave me, baby girl. I can’t let you go," Egon growls, his voice thick with passion as he threads his fingers through my hair and pulls me into a fervent kiss that dizzies my senses and nearly renders me unconscious.

When the kiss breaks and I regain my composure, I straighten my posture and meet the gaze of my irresistible tormentor. "I can go if I choose," I assert, challenging his claim with the fierce independence I’ve always known.

chapter twelve

“You know you can’t keep me here. If I want to leave, you must let me go,” I call out playfully, slicing through the water with swift, teasing strokes. Yet behind my lighthearted facade, a tide of serious thoughts swirls. The truth is, there are countless reasons for me to leave. This realm, captivating as it may be, isn’t where I belong; it’s a world alien to everything except the whims of my heart. The more I linger, the clearer it becomes that living in a place which defies all logic except that of my emotions might be more than I can bear.

“If you truly wish to leave, I must let you go. As heart-wrenching as it would be for me, you have the right to choose your own path,” Egon says, his voice firm yet laced with a deep emotion that sends unexpected flutters through my heart. Yet the slight smile tugging at the corners of his full lips suggests he might not be entirely serious. He looks at me with a playful glint, softening his stern demeanor. “But tell me, does my baby girl really want to go? Does she truly believe she can live without her Papa forever?” His tender and teasing words challenge me to reconsider, hinting at our unspoken bond.

“Papa.” The word escapes my lips, sending an unexpected thrill through me. The memory of it tumbling out before, in an unguarded moment, causes my cheeks to flush with warmth. The simple term resonates deeply and fills me with hope of uttering it in the throes of passion. Would he want that? Would I?

He smiles—a warm, inviting expression—and smoothly glides behind me. One of his tentacles gently brushes against my calves, sending a ripple of surprise along my skin. At the same time, another softly wraps around my waist, drawing me closer with a tender, possessive touch.

My heart races, each beat resonating with excitement and apprehension. As I struggle to adjust to the unfamiliar environment, my breathing becomes labored, compelling me to swim toward the surface. The urge for air grows stronger, pushing me to break through the water’s embrace and gasp for relief found only above the waves.

Egon trails me to the surface, emerging before me with the sun casting a radiant glow on his long silver hair. The light accentuates his rugged features, highlighting a raw beauty that stirs deep emotions within me. As I gaze at him, a profound longing takes hold—my heart aches not just to connect but to bond deeply in the all-encompassing way I have yearned for from the beginning.

“Would you really let me go?” I ask, wondering if he would truly consent to part with me so readily. The question hangs between us, charged with the weight of what such a decision would mean.

Egon nods solemnly, extending his arm and opening his hand in a gesture inviting me closer. “I would let you leave,” he affirms with a gentle but resolute tone, “but know this—I would follow you to the ends of the earth, little girl. I would have no choice.” His voice deepens, heavy with emotion. “For six hundred years, I’ve wandered as an empty husk, filled with longing, waiting for the one who would complete me. Now that I’ve found you and know you exist, I cannot—and will not—survive without you.” His words, laden with a timeless devotion, resonate deeply, echoing the depth of his commitment and the intensity of his feelings.

“How would you survive in my world? You would be seen, captured, studied, and possibly tortured. I couldn’t bear to let that happen,” I whisper, the gravity of the situation settling in. My voice is laced with fear at the mere thought of him enduring such horrors. The idea of him being harmed in any way sends a shiver of terror through me.

“I would find a way, little one. You are worth every risk, every challenge that might come my way.” His voice carries a quiet confidence as steadfast as the tides. “If you choose to stay with me, I want you to be certain. I need you to know that I can take care of you and meet all your needs. Through our unbreakable bond, we would live our lives intertwined, forever united as husband and wife, as king and queen of our realm.” His words, laden with devotion and a promise of eternal partnership, aim to reassure and convey the depth of his commitment.

Laden with romance, they hint at more than just ceremonial vows or idyllic days within the enchanted confines of Mirinthia. They evoke visions of a deeper, more profound connection, a bond that would set our lives on an irrevocable course, united not just by enduring love but also by primal need. The pull is as powerful within me as it is in him, and with each moment I spend in his presence, denying it becomes increasingly difficult. This burgeoning connection tugs at the core of my being, making the idea of separation painful and seemingly impossible.

I take his hand, and instantly, a spark of electricity surges from him, sending a shiver through my body and drawing me closer to his embrace. His thick arms wrap around me, and I can feel his heart’s strong, steady pulse reverberating against my skin.

He tilts his face toward mine, his piercing blue eyes locking onto mine, perhaps searching my features for any hint of acceptance of our union.

I avert my gaze, overwhelmed by the intensity of my emotions for a being—not merely a man, but a Kraken—who I’ve known only briefly. The magnitude of my feelings unnerves me, realizing that whatever choice I make now will be final. If I leave, the path back may be forever severed to me. Yet, if I surrender to fate and couple with Egon, the consequence could mean severing ties with my family and possibly never seeing them again.
