Page 11 of The Oath of Seduce

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“You… I… Ugh!” She stamps her foot. “You’re still arrogant,” she huffs, though she’s looking less fired up now somehow.

I pull her closer and feel her shudder. It’s like pouring fuel on the fire in my gut. There’s something about Sophia’s impudent nature that makes me want to take her right here and now. Probably because as much as she’s putting up a fight, she wants me as much as I want her.

“Sophia,” I murmur, my voice low and silken. “I can’t wait to hear how you groan when you’re naked in my bed.” I tighten my grip on her wrist, not hard enough to hurt but firmly enough to let her know who’s in control. It is my party, after all, and I will have whoever I want. That includes her.

To my surprise, she coughs out a laugh. “I can’t decide if you’re charming or just full of yourself.”

Our faces are almost touching now. “Maybe a little of both. And you like it.”

Her breath hitches, and I can see the desire in her eyes. “You don’t know what I like.”

I grin, enjoying this flirtatious banter. It’s so refreshing after the easy pickings that have been on show all night. Dimitri’s hot blonde turned out to be a vacant-eyed bimbo. I like this challenge much better.

“Oh, but I think I know exactly what you like,” I tell her. “You like the danger, the excitement. The things that are forbidden.”

She bites her lip, and I can tell she’s considering my words. “And what makes you think you’re that exciting?”

I lean back, a sly grin on my face. “Trust me, krasotka, I’m the most exciting thing you’ll ever experience.”

She laughs again, but there’s a nervous little edge to it now. “You’re full of shit, you know that?” When she tugs at her wrist again, I allow her to pull free…but only because it amuses me. “So, is there anything else you need, or can I go do my work now?” she asks.

“Your work is right here. You just spilled whiskey all over me.” For a moment, we stand there, sizing each other up.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Let me get you a towel, your highness,” she says sarcastically.

“I don’t need a towel. I need you to clean me up.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“I’m telling you to clean up the mess you made,” I say, my voice low and commanding.

“You’re kidding me, right?” She glares at me.

I shake my head, not breaking eye contact. “Do I look like I’m joking?”

“I can’t believe this,” she mutters, but reluctantly unties the crisp little white apron around her waist and begins dabbing at the whiskey on my shirt. As she does, I notice how good she smells, like a mix of vanilla and jasmine. I watch her as her eyes fixate on my expensive suit, as if she can’t look at my face while she’s touching my body. Her hand trembles slightly as she rubs at the fabric, and I can feel the heat rising in my body.

“There,” she says eventually. Her voice is hoarse, and she’s still not meeting my eye. “All done.”

I shake my head and unbutton my jacket. “What about my shirt?” I taunt her.

Green eyes flash to mine for a second, and she gnaws on her bottom lip. I wait for more of that sexy sass she’s been so liberal with, but this time, there’s none of it. Reaching out, her hand lingers on my chest, feeling the firm muscles beneath the fabric. If my cock had been hard before, it feels ready to explode by now.

Uspokoysya, durak!

I have to calm down before I make a fucking fool of myself. I can feel the tension in the air, the unspoken desire that lingers between us. I pull her closer once more, feeling her hot breath on my skin. She splays her palms on my chest, all pretense of cleaning my shirt now abandoned.

“You are coming with me to my room,” I command, my voice giving no margin for argument.

“Are you always this bossy?” she husks out.

I use a fingertip to tilt her chin up until she’s looking up into my face, so close that our lips are almost touching. With my other hand, I trace a fingertip down her throat, feeling her swallow hard as I do so.

“Only with people who touch me like you do, krasotka.”

Chapter 5

