Page 110 of The Oath of Seduce

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Sophia’s attention snaps to the doctor, her eyes wide and desperate. “Are you sure? You must be wrong. Check again! I can’t be pregnant!”

The doctor’s face softens, and she places a reassuring hand on Sophia’s shoulder. “I understand your shock, my dear, but the tests are conclusive. The accident was a long time ago, and the human body has a way of healing. Sometimes, when we least expect it, life has a way of surprising us.”

“I didn’t think I could get pregnant, Luka,” she says finally, her voice low and husky. “After the accident, after what they told me, I didn’t think it was possible.”

I ignore her feelings, and the asshole in me snorts. “Yeah, well, apparently, life’s full of fucking surprises.”

Her eyes flare with anger, hurt.


The doctor interjects; her face says it all: this isn’t the joyful surprise announcement she’s used to making. “Mr. Ivankov, Sophia, I understand this is shocking news. It might be considered miraculous, given your medical history. But if this is not welcome news, you should be aware of your…options.”


She hesitates, her voice dropping as she chooses her words carefully. “Perhaps…the situation warrants you both to consider…whether or not you want to keep the baby?”

I nearly snarl, my voice dripping with contempt. “No one’s getting rid of my kid. There are no fucking options.”

Sophia’s eyes widen, and the doctor takes a step back, clearly startled by my outburst.

The room falls into a silence so sudden it’s almost violent. The soft chirping of birds from the TV seems to mock the storm brewing inside me.

“Excuse me,” the doctor says, her voice neutral but professional. “I’ll give you two some time to talk.” She gathers her papers and quietly exits the room, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

“I want to keep the baby, Luka.” Sophia looks at me, her voice muted after the doctor leaves. “But…you don’t have to be involved.” She looks so fucking lost.

“Did you not hear me earlier?” I choke on my words. “I do not abandon my responsibilities, Sophia, and I sure as hell won’t start now. Not with this.”

“But…what do we do now?” She looks up at me, worry in her eyes, and I feel a sudden urge to kiss those worries away.

“You really have to ask?” I say, a cold edge to my voice in spite of it. “We are keeping the baby. And you and me? We’re getting married.”

Her face goes white, shock written all over it. There’s guilt there, too, in the way she avoids my eyes.

“Married?” she finally husks out.

“Yes, married. You think I’m gonna let my kid grow up without a father?”

She finally meets my eyes, and the shock’s replaced by something else, something I can’t quite place.

“Luka…” she starts, then hesitates, “I have something to confess.”

Chapter 53


TODAY’S THE day I’ll die.

With my baby.

My baby!

I still can’t believe it…

I’m lying in a big, uncomfortable bed, not like the one I’m lying in now…and the room smells like medicine. A man in a white coat is talking to Nana, and he’s using words I don’t understand.

“I’m sorry to inform you that Sophia will not be able to conceive as the impact of the accident had caused significant damage to her fallopian tubes,” he says. His voice is all serious and grown-up, and I can’t make sense of what he’s talking about. But it must be something bad because Nana starts crying really hard. She’s making noises like she’s in pain.
