Page 120 of The Oath of Seduce

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She smirks, her pain momentarily forgotten. “And yet, here I am.”

I toss her a blanket, and she wraps it around herself, never taking her eyes off Dimitri. “Got a cigarette?” she asks, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “I need something to take the edge off after being manhandled by Captain Caveman over there.”

Erik chokes on a laugh, and even I can’t help but smile at her audacity. Dimitri, however, looks like he’s ready to punch something.

“You’re not getting anything from us until you tell us what we want to know,” he snaps, his voice dangerously low.

Raising an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed, she says, “That’s not how this works, sweetheart. You want information, you treat me with a little respect.”

“Respect?” Dimitri repeats, his voice dripping with disbelief. “We just saved your ass!”

She shrugs, her eyes filled with defiance. “Well, I didn’t ask you to.”

The room goes silent for a moment as we all take in her sheer gall. She’s not scared, not even a little, and her courage is both infuriating and fascinating.

Finally, I nod at Erik, who tosses her a pack of cigarettes from a nearby drawer. She lights one, takes a deep drag, and then blows the smoke in Dimitri’s direction.

“Thanks,” she says, her voice heavy with fake sweetness.

She takes another drag of the cigarette as she looks around the room, taking in the cots and medical equipment. She’s like a caged animal, her body tense, ready to strike.

I study her, intrigued by her courage, her fight. “So, what made you kill Aleks’s men?”

“Apart from the obvious?” Her lips curl into a sneer. “It’s none of your fucking business.”

“Watch your mouth,” Dimitri snaps, his patience wearing thin.

I chuckle, enjoying her fire. “Let her speak. I want to hear what she has to say.”

The room goes quiet, all eyes on the girl.

“I was taken,” she finally says, her voice low, filled with rage. “I killed those fuckers because they deserved to die. And I’ll kill you too if I have to.”

I lean in close, feeling her hot breath on my face. “You’re not going to kill anyone here. We’re not your enemies.”

She looks me in the eye, searching for truth, for trust. “Who the fuck are you guys?”

Dimitri’s face is set in a hard line, his patience clearly wearing thin. “We’re the ones who are going to help you if you stop being a pain in the ass and cooperate.”

A noise from the next room startles her, and I see recognition in her eyes. “Nilo?” she breathes, a note of desperation in her voice. Her entire demeanor changes, and suddenly, she’s moving, lunging toward the door.

Erik reacts first, blocking her path. “Hold on, wildcat. We’re not here to harm you or your friend.”

“Let me out!” she snaps, aiming a swift kick at Erik’s balls, but he just sidesteps and laughs.

“You lying pieces of shit!” She’s screaming now.

Dimitri takes a step closer. I can tell he is furious by now. “We saved him. And you! He’s safe, and he’s calling out for someone. Is that you?”

She hesitates, a flicker of doubt crossing her face. “You’re lying,” she accuses.

“Why would we lie?” I ask, keeping my voice calm and even. “We’re on the same side here.”

“Same side?” she spits, her voice colored with disbelief. “What side is that?”

“The side that doesn’t want to see you or your friend hurt,” I reply, hoping my sincerity comes through.

She doesn’t respond, just stands there, her body wound tight, and her eyes narrowed. After a moment, she takes a harsh drag of the cigarette, puffing it out in a cloud of disdain. Then, with a nasty flick of her wrist, she throws the cigarette onto the floor as if it’s an annoyance. Her decision is made.
