Page 13 of The Oath of Seduce

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The women exchange shocked and embarrassed glances before retreating, their egos shattered by Luka’s cruel rejection. I can’t help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction as they slink away, their tails between their legs.

Luka’s strong fingers wrap around my hand, his touch warm and firm, leaving me trembling. I mentally prepare myself to accompany Luka to his private domain.

Just to plant the bug. That’s all.

As we’re about to leave, the catering manager hurries over, her face a picture of concern and distress.

“Mr. Ivankov, I apologize profusely for the girl’s mistake. I assure you it won’t happen again. Please, allow me to take care of this situation.”

Before she can utter another syllable, Luka’s powerful arm sweeps under my legs, hoisting me off the ground with ease. I can’t stifle the gasp of surprise that escapes me, a tangled mess of mortification and exhilaration pulsing through me as he cradles me against his sculpted chest like a Neanderthal claiming his prize.

Flashing a wicked grin at her, Luka fixes his smoldering gaze on the woman. “No need for concern,” he drawls, his voice oozing with authority. “The girl is mine for the night. I’ll see to it she’s adequately…disciplined.”

Chapter 6


THE CATERING manager’s eyes widen, but she knows better than to argue with Luka Ivankov. She bows her head in submission and quickly retreats, leaving me in Luka’s strong arms, my heart pounding and my body thrumming as he holds me against his hard body.

“Put me down!” I demand, trying to assert some semblance of control over the situation. But my protests only seem to amuse him further as his devilish grin widens and he tightens his hold on me. It’s clear that I’m at his mercy. The more I try to fight, the more firmly Luka holds me, his grip tightening on my ass and his fingers subtly rubbing against my pussy with each stride.

I can’t believe this is happening!!

“Let-me-go!” I exclaim, trying to sound forceful despite the increasingly arousing sensations that course through me. But his hand grips my ass more firmly; a subtle shudder of pleasure races through my flesh, igniting a fierce hunger deep within me.

Oh, fuck!

If I wasn’t already overwhelmed by his presence, I’d be salivating at the anticipation of the raw, primal connection between us. I shift closer, my hand curling around the hard column of his neck as I cling to him, involuntarily drawn to the intoxicating magnetism of this dangerous man.

“Behave, krasotka, or I’ll give you a spanking right here in front of everyone,” he warns, his voice a low growl.

Determined not to give in so easily, I test his resolve, squirming and trying to break free from his grasp. “You wouldn’t dare,” I challenge, my voice shaking slightly.

Without missing a beat, Luka’s hand comes down hard on my backside, the sting of the impact making me gasp.

“Fuck!” I blurt, but not before I’ve let out a low moan as pleasure and pain mix together. My body trembles from a combination of anticipation and fear, unable to control its own response. His fingers slip between my legs, lightly brushing against my sensitive skin. A gasp slips out as I feel his fingertips delicately explore me. His movements become more intense, delving deeper, each touch setting off waves of pleasure that ripple through me. I struggle to remain still, the sensation too tempting to ignore.

I feel the wetness pooling between my thighs, a testament to the undeniable pull Luka has over me. My mind screams for me to resist, but my body betrays me, craving this man who will kill me if he finds out about my true identity.

I force myself to remain still, unwilling to endure another electrifying spank. A sensation that I suddenly crave.

This is fucking insane!

I try to cover my face because I’m embarrassed but also because I don’t want anyone else to see how aroused I am.

Ignoring the shocked stares and smirks of those we pass on our path, Luka strides out of the bustling room and down a nearby hallway lined with closed doorways. It feels like we walk forever before he stops and shoves a door open with his foot.

The room we enter is vast, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a breathtaking view of the cityscape. The stunning grandeur momentarily captivates me, pushing my fear and trepidation to the back of my mind. The décor is both opulent and masculine, showcasing dark woods and lush materials that hint at decadence and authority. But even in this opulent space, I find myself conflicted about what just happened between us. It’s like two parts of myself are at war, and I don’t know which one will win out.

“Luka, I—” Before I can finish, he releases me, and I stumble onto the soft carpet, my feet aching in protest as I teeter on my ridiculous heels. Before I realize what he’s about to do, he kneels in front of me, and my heart races as his eyes scorch my trembling body. In one swift movement, he grabs my foot and slides it out of the tightly wedged shoe. He does the same with the other, then sets to work massaging away the soreness in my feet.

“Your shoes are too small for you,” he says. His skilled fingertips slide up the line of my calf, setting off a chain reaction of sparks throughout my body. His fingers brush up against my inner thigh before dancing back down and across the arch of my foot, sending shockwaves of pleasure radiating through me with every caress.

“Oh…ohh, that feels so good,” I hear myself groaning.

His touch is gentle yet firm, and I’m overcome with an intense desire that builds deep within me until I am lost in a haze of pure bliss. Dropping a hand to his shoulder, I drop my head back and shut my eyes as the sensations run through me.

What the hell are you doing?
