Page 135 of The Oath of Seduce

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I turn my head as Svetlana’s wine glass makes a sound louder than her voice ever did. She’s dressed to kill. Who would’ve thought the stern head-maid had legs for days?

Instead of that drab uniform, she’s squeezed into a snug black cocktail dress that seems to challenge her usual stiff posture.

Damn, she looks breathtaking…and is that a glint of excitement in her eyes?

“Ladies and gentlemen, if I may usher you outside? We have an exquisite circus performance lined up.”

I steal a quick glance at Luka as he leads a group of guests outside. Just before he disappears from view, he catches my eye and shoots me a smile – quick, secretive, filled with meaning only we understand.

A confirmation.

“Ready for some fun, Yulia?” I ask, bending down to her level.

She nods eagerly. “Do you think they’ll have magicians? I want to see magic!”

“I’m sure there’ll be something magical out there. Maybe not a magician, but something equally exciting,” I teased.

Walking out with Yulia, I get this weird feeling. The noise of the party feels far away, and my heart is going crazy.

I look around and see Anya.

She’s watching us…

Chapter 64


IN THE newly set courtyard, lights flicker from the mansion, illuminating the stage at its center. There’s an acrobat on it, every move so bloody calculated, it reminds me of our world.

Just like walking a tightrope. One wrong move in our world, and you’re fucking dead.

Out of the blue, Dimitri’s voice cuts in, “Aleks’s van just pulled in.” His eyes are still on the stage, but I know he’s seen everything. Every entrance and exit, every face.

Erik, ever the epitome of cool, lounges back, playing with that pocket watch of his. “Figures. Man’s punctual even when he’s walking into a trap.”

“Guess we put on a good show.” From the corner of my eye, I see Sophia. She’s jittery, constantly checking her watch. Every tick seems to make her more anxious. Yulia, blissfully unaware, is clapping in delight at the acrobatics, her eyes shining with childlike wonder.

“Fuck, this is a shitty move,” I grumble, the distaste thick in my throat. “Using them as bait… It’s fucked up.”

What’s really fucked up?

Throwing this damn party for Yulia was a colossal mistake. I’d thought it’d be a way to make up for all the time I’d missed in her life, but now I know better. The kid would’ve been happy with just a damned ice cream cone shared with those she loves.

Erik, reading me like the damn open book I never wanted to be, leans in close, his smirk heavy with mischief. “Chill the fuck out; our boys have the barn on lockdown. Aleks is walking right into hell.”

“We better make sure he does,” I snap, my hands clenched into fists. “Let’s gear up. It’s showtime.”

Walking out of the courtyard, I’m boiling inside. Every fake smile, every nod to these phonies, it’s like trading away bits of myself. Screw the flattery game, I’m done. All I want now is to set things right, no BS.

The moment I step into the bunker, the mood’s thick. You can still hear the party noise from outside, but in here, it’s all business. We’ve swapped our fancy threads for vests and all-black gear.

Erik’s already here, propped against a table. Dimitri’s going through some guns, making sure they’re good to go.

Then the radio comes alive. “Aleks and his men are in the mansion,” the voice says.

I feel my blood freeze. “Which part exactly?” I shoot back.
