Page 24 of The Oath of Seduce

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Seizing the opportunity, Dimitri lands a solid hit on Erik’s ribs. “Yeah, no thanks to you and your little distraction, Luka. But don’t worry, we’ve got it all under control.”

Despite the teasing tone in Dimitri’s voice, I force myself to concentrate on the matter at hand. “Good. Everything needs to go smoothly. We can’t afford unwanted attention.”

Erik regains his footing and swiftly takes Dimitri down. “You heard him, Dimitri,” he says through gritted teeth as he fights against the other man’s superior size. “No screwing around. Our reputation is on the line.”

Before I can react, Dimitri interjects, his voice taut with tension, which could be from being locked in a chokehold or from what he’s about to tell me. “Luka, there is bad news. Two of our men were killed in an attack on one of our cannabis factories. We need to find out who’s responsible and make them pay.” His eyes blaze with vengeance, fueling his next ferocious blow against Erik as he bridges out of the lock and springs to his feet. The pair square off, fists protecting their faces. In any other situation, it might be odd to be sharing information in the middle of a showdown. But this is how we roll, after all.

And this news is unwelcome. Rage boils within me, my voice turning venomous as I demand, “Who the fuck dares to attack our operation?”

Erik, momentarily pausing his battle with Dimitri, wipes the sweat from his brow. “Don’t worry, Boss. We’re already hunting the bastards down. They’ll pay for their mistake, one way or another.”

As if to prove his point, Dimitri suddenly sweeps Erik’s legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground. But Erik, never one to stay down for long, is on his feet in an instant, then strikes back hard, his fist connecting with Dimitri’s face. The larger man doesn’t even blink; he’s built like a tank. His sheer size belies his speed, and he was one of the most formidable men in our ranks.

Caught in the throes of Dimitri and Erik’s brutal sparring match, the atmosphere in the room is heavy with unbridled aggression and a sinister need for dominance. Watching this fierce display of power, I can’t help but be reminded of the intoxicating contrast between the scene playing out before me and the wicked memories of last night’s tryst with Sophia.

Sophia was like a living, breathing aphrodisiac, her body a tantalizing playground of pleasure that I took my time to navigate. She was wild, bewitching, and unlike any woman I’d ever possessed before. Just thinking about her flushed face, the delicious curves of her body, and the way she responded to my touch sends a searing wave of heat through me. My cock throbs again, and I find myself craving more.

What the fuck am I thinking?

I don’t need any woman in my life; not before and not now! I’ve had my share of gold-diggers and one-night stands, but they never left me with this irritating itch I can’t seem to scratch. But what the fuck was that strange feeling when I found my bed empty this morning?

I shake my head, trying to dispel the memory of her, but it’s no use. She’s carved into my thoughts like a tattoo I can’t erase. The fact that she vanished in the morning is driving me mad. Is it her disappearance that has me twisted up like a pathetic boy? Or is it the realization that she’s not just another quick fuck?

Jesus, get your head out of your ass.

I’m Luka Ivankov, and I do not do feelings. I’ve built a fortress around my heart, and no woman has ever come close to breaking through… Until now.


I have a plan to execute, a score to settle with my goddamned uncle and the fuckers who betrayed my family. This is no time to be distracted by a woman. Even one who already feels like a drug.

But, if I ever cross paths with that little temptress again, she won’t stand a chance in hell of slipping through my fingers. I’ll make damn sure she’s mine to control, and I won’t let her vanish into thin air like a goddamn phantom.

No, next time, she won’t leave until I’ve decided I’m done with her.

Chapter 12


BALANCING A tray of steaming cups in one hand, I weave through the busy cafe, feeling like a fraud in my waitress uniform. It’s hard to believe that just last night, I was tangled in Luka Ivankov’s arms, lost in a haze of pleasure I never thought possible.

“Here’s your cappuccino, sir,” I say, placing the cup in front of a middle-aged man engrossed in his newspaper. He doesn’t even glance up, just grunts his thanks. Sighing, I make my way back to the counter, where another cup of coffee awaits me – my third this morning.

I down the bitter liquid, hoping it will banish the memories of last night from my mind, but they refuse to fade. Luka’s touch still lingers on my skin, as if he’s branded me with his possession.

“Hey, Sophia, can you take these orders to table six?” my coworker, Emily, calls out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Sure thing,” I reply, forcing a smile and taking the plates from her.

Delivering the food to the customers, my thoughts wander back to the wild, dangerous world Luka inhabits. Memories of last night flash by as I recall the shocking intensity of my own desire, the way I’d craved his domination.

I shiver, remembering the sting of his hand on my ass in the meeting room, the sensation of his fingers leaving their mark. The memory sends a shockwave of arousal through me, making my pussy tighten with need. God, what has he done to me? My life has never been like this before, filled with such raw, primal lust.

The filthy thoughts invade my mind, one after another, and I find myself struggling to keep my composure. I don’t want to think about how affected I was by Luka’s touch, his presence. But every time I close my eyes, I can feel the ghost of his fingers, the taste of his lips, the dominance that had me begging for more.

The catering manager had caught me as I was sneaking out barefoot and bedraggled, her eyes narrowing with a mix of suspicion and disdain. But I didn’t care. I had to escape before the spell Luka had cast over me became impossible to break.

As I clear the empty plates from table six, I feel the outline of a small device in my apron pocket. Panicking, I remember the microchips I’d been tasked with planting in Luka’s mansion. My heart races as I realize I never pressed the tiny button to activate them.
