Page 25 of The Oath of Seduce

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“Fuck!” I blurt out, my voice louder than I intended. The cafe falls silent, every eye turning to stare at me.

Emily’s mouth drops open in shock while my boss’s face darkens like an approaching storm.

“Sophia!” he barks, motioning for me to come to him. “In my office. Now.”

Feeling the weight of the unactivated device in my pocket, I reluctantly follow him, knowing I’m in for a thorough dressing down.

The door to Greg’s office creaks open, and I step inside. The dimly lit room feels oppressive, with the small desk lamp casting elongated shadows on the walls. Greg, a portly middle-aged man with thinning hair and a perpetual sheen of sweat on his forehead, sits behind the desk, his eyes scanning me up and down.

“Sophia, have a seat,” he says, his voice dripping with insincerity, a stark contrast to his usual gruff tone. I sit down, feeling uneasy at his sudden change in demeanor.

Over the months, I’ve grown adept at avoiding Greg’s advances. I need this job; it pays slightly better than other cafes in the area, and it’s close to my home, making it easy to bring food back to my grandmother. But today, something feels different, more sinister.

He leans in, feigning concern. “You know, I’ve noticed you seem a bit…distracted lately. That little scene out there was…out of character. Is everything okay?” He reaches out, placing a hand on my thigh, and I stiffen at the unwanted touch.

I force a smile, trying to appear unaffected. “Everything’s fine, Greg. Really, I’m just a little tired, that’s all.”

His hand slides up my thigh, his fingertips grazing my skin. My heart races, but I know I can’t afford to lose this job. “Maybe you just need some help to relax. I could give you a nice massage, maybe even help you forget about whatever’s troubling you.”

My stomach churns, but I bite my tongue, desperate not to provoke him. “Thanks, Greg, but I’ll be fine.”

His grip tightens, and his tone takes on a menacing edge. “You know, Sophia, you owe me a lot. I usually wouldn’t hire someone like you. You’ve taken too many emergency leaves, not to mention asking for advances more than twice.”

I clench my fists, my mind flashing back to the dreadful scenes that prompted my leaves. My brother, pale and barely breathing after taking too much cocaine, the ambulance sirens wailing in the night. My grandmother, her face etched with pain, lying in a hospital bed after another episode of her illness. Each memory weighs heavy on my heart, and I feel the crushing pressure of my life closing in around me.

Greg smirks, taking pleasure in my discomfort. “Now, don’t you think it’s time you show me some gratitude for all the chances I’ve given you?”

The moment his grip tightens, something inside me snaps. A red-hot surge of anger wells up, and without thinking, my hand flies up, connecting with Greg’s face in a sharp slap. We both stare at each other, shocked at my sudden outburst.

My anger doesn’t subside, though; it festers and grows, feeding on my resentment of a life that’s been nothing but a shitstorm. I’m furious at my brother for falling into the pit of addiction, at my parents for leaving us too damn early, and at myself for being so damn helpless. The fury swells within me as I think about my own weakness – my inability to resist the magnetic pull of Luka and the fact that I forgot to press the fucking button on the device.

The weight of it all becomes too much to bear, and hot tears of frustration and shame prick at the corners of my eyes. My chest tightens, and I struggle to catch my breath, feeling suffocated by my own helplessness and the overwhelming sense of failure that threatens to consume me.

Greg’s face contorts with rage, and I find myself unable to hold back any longer. “You think I owe you something, you greasy, lecherous prick? I don’t owe you a fucking thing!” The words pour out of me, venomous and raw.

His eyes narrow, and I know I’ve pushed him too far. “You ungrateful little bitch,” he snarls. “You’re fired. Get your things and get the fuck out of my cafe.” I’m on my feet and storming out with his words still hanging in the air. I’m breathless with rage.

But as I gather my belongings, my anger begins to ebb, replaced by a growing sense of dread.

What the hell am I going to do now?

Emily watches me with sadness in her eyes. I can see the fear creeping in as she realizes she’ll be alone with the creep Greg now. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I curse under my breath, “Fuck! What now?”

Fumbling with my belongings, I pull out my phone and see my neighbor’s number flash across the screen. Mrs. Thompson has been a godsend, always kind enough to help watch over my grandmother while I’m at work. But her calling me now makes my heart clench with fear.

My heart races, a sudden sense of dread washing over me. I answer the call, trying to keep my voice steady.


“Sophia, it’s Mrs. Thompson,” she says, her voice trembling. “You need to come home right away. It’s your grandmother; she’s collapsed!”

Panic seizes me, my hands shaking as I struggle to find the words. “W-What happened? Is she okay?”

“I don’t know, dear,” Mrs. Thompson replies, her voice breaking. “The ambulance is on its way, but you need to come home now.”

Tears well up in my eyes, and my breath catches in my throat. “I’m on my way. Thank you, Mrs. Thompson.”

Hanging up, I choke back a sob, my mind racing with fear and worry. I sling my bag over my shoulder, giving Emily a tight hug before rushing out the door, my world crumbling around me.
