Page 43 of The Oath of Seduce

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I blink, my head spinning like a top. It feels like I’ve signed up to be the head of an entire department at a university, not a nanny.

Music, art, languages, computers, and homework. That’s like…five different subjects. And not just any subjects, either. Each one could be a major in itself. What the hell kind of kid is Yulia? And when does she play? Or have family time? Or, I don’t know, breathe?

In my head, I’m picturing Yulia, this tiny, innocent thing, buried under a mountain of textbooks, a violin in one hand, a paintbrush in the other, and headphones blasting foreign languages into her ears.

Poor kid.

I silently swear to smuggle in some comic books or something…normal kid stuff.

“Is there a problem, Miss Williams?” he asks.

Problem? Hell yeah, there’s a problem. But he doesn’t need to know that.

I nod at him, keeping my game face on. “No problem. Got it. Education. All good.”

“Fourth,” Mr. Abrams adds, “You must never address Mr. Ivankov directly unless he speaks to you first. If you have concerns, you will bring them to Ms. Svetlana, who will handle any communication with Mr. Ivankov on your behalf.”

I glance at Ms. Svetlana, who’s still glaring daggers at me.


“Fifth,” Mr. Abrams announces, “You are required to learn basic Russian phrases and use them with Yulia. This will ensure she becomes fluent in her native tongue.”

I swallow hard, hoping I can pick up a new language as quickly as I’ve been thrust into this job. This list is just getting more and more impossible.

“Lastly,” Mr. Thompson takes over, his voice dipping ominously, “you must understand that everything you see, hear, or witness in the Ivankov household is strictly confidential. Revealing any information to outsiders without explicit permission from Mr. Ivankov or Ms. Svetlana would be considered a grave breach of contract, and the consequences would be…severe.”

The word “severe” echoes in the air, causing my imagination to spiral into overdrive.

Are we talking about being kidnapped by clowns?

Trapped in a room with incessant yodeling?

Forced to watch paint dry for hours on end?

My heart races as I try to make light of the dread creeping into my veins. I pull myself together, reminding myself that we’re talking about serious consequences here. The kind that could end with me being silenced forever, like a bullet to the head, a body tossed into a river, or even a slow, excruciating death.

Jesus. I am so screwed.

“Ms. Williams, if you don’t mind, we’d like to expedite this process,” Mr. Thompson says briskly. He slides a pen toward me, a not-so-subtle hint that it’s time to sign the contract. Mr. Abrams’ smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes, and I can tell it’s more of a professional facade than genuine warmth.

With a deep breath, I steel myself and take the pen offered to me. My hand trembles slightly as I sign my name, sealing my fate. The papers now hold my commitment to the Ivankov family, and there’s no turning back.

“Now, follow me,” Svetlana orders almost immediately after the lawyers leave the room, her tone as icy as her glare. She strides through the opulent halls, her spine as straight as a ruler.

“Right behind you, ma’am,” I mutter, trying to catch up.

Her heels click sharply on the marble floor, each step echoing through the cavernous mansion. Those stilettos could easily double as weapons – maybe she has a side gig as a secret assassin?

Ugh, what am I even thinking?

My thoughts can’t help but stray to Luka.

Where is he? God, why can’t I get him out of my head?

As I peer around the mansion, it seems even more ridiculously grandiose and over-the-top than I remembered from my first visit. Navigating the seemingly endless hallways, sunlight pours through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a magical glow on the extravagant furnishings and insanely expensive art adorning the walls.

We wind our way down the lavish staircase. The balustrade is decorated with delicate carvings that glimmer in the light of the lamps spread throughout the lobby. I’m so lost in thought that I almost bulldoze into Svetlana when she abruptly halts.
