Page 22 of Wild at Heart

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I throw Randy a pointed look. “Not like you and a few others weren’t already given a chance.”

Randy averts his gaze. “Weren’t done trying, is all.”

“There’ll be plenty of other opportunities,” Dad says, knowing Randy is interested in the horses just like Pixie—or maybe for Pixie, who’s a natural. Randy’s father was a natural as well, but it doesn’t come as easily to Randy. His talents lie elsewhere, especially during planting and harvesting season, but you can’t blame a man for trying.

Randy nods, then motions for Pixie to follow him to his truck.

We wave our goodbyes and watch them walk off together.

I look at Dad. “The other night Randy was here late, playing cards with the men while Pixie was asleep in the truck.”

“We’ve already discussed this. As long as he’s able to?—”

“Right, I know you don’t want to get involved in the employees’ personal lives, and Pixie was safe right outside. But if it becomes a pattern?—”

“Then you take it to Wade. He knows these men best.”

I sigh. “Yes, sir.”

There’s a chain of command, and Dad has been running things his way for a long time, just like his father before him. I personally don’t think addressing an issue before it gets out of hand is a bad idea. I also think it’s important to get to know your employees while still keeping a healthy boundary. Dad never crosses that line, and I’m not sure that’s the way to go anymore. But until the ranch is mine, it’s a losing battle.

After Dad heads off to look for Mom at the house, I meet Porter at the gate. The groom has hold of the rope and is trying to lead the stubborn stallion toward food and water. But he’s not having it and rears up, not realizing what’s good for him. The rope slips out of the groom’s hand, and he moves away, leery about trying again. Two steps forward, one step back.

“Damn impressive,” I say.

Porter smirks. “Thanks, boss.”

“Dad says you can work with Storm as long as everything else gets done.”

“Yeah? Good to know because that one will need extra work.”

His smile is blinding, and again I have the urge to close the distance between us and take his mouth.

As if he knows exactly what I’m thinking, he clears his throat and looks away. “Well, better get to it, then.”

He gives me his back, and that isn’t such a bad view of him either.

Chapter 10


It’s only been three days, but I’m not happy I’ve only gotten Storm to be calm while on a rope for all of five minutes. I don’t know how I got so lucky so quickly, or what it is that has him so spooked, but he clearly doesn’t like feeling trapped that way, and he’s incredibly skittish around people. I’m not a fan of roping the hoof to get mustangs to lie down. So I’m trying it my way unless it becomes a necessity.

I’m sitting in the dirt inside the pen with him now. None of the other horses are out, and the other cowboys are all doing other things, but every spare moment I’ve got, I’ve been sitting with him.

He starts snorting and kicking up dust, and I turn to see Pixie coming inside the gate. “Stay back. You shouldn’t be coming in without anyone knowing with a mustang like Storm. Wild horses are unpredictable. It’s a good way to get yourself hurt.”

“I know,” she says like she’s an adult instead of a ten-year-old kid. “I only came in because he’s on the other side of the pen and you’re in here. Mr. Bishop says you can speak horse and they listen to you better than anyone he’s ever seen, so I figure that means I’m safe.”

I huff. “If I speak horse, how come I can’t keep Storm calm on a rope yet?”

Pixie sits beside me. I don’t have much experience with kids, and I’m not really sure how to act around her. She makes me feel a little itchy, like I’m gonna catch being a kid from her just from getting too close.

“You’ll get him,” she says.

“Where’s your daddy?” He’s… Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about him yet. I don’t trust him. I can’t say why. We’ve barely spoken, but I get the sense he doesn’t like me.

She shrugs. “Don’t know. Wade came outta the bunkhouse to find you for dinner, and I said I’d tell you it’s ready.”
